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Ridiculous work-around for kdialog ignoring geometry parameters

Posted 11-30-2023 at 04:55 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 01-29-2024 at 02:25 PM by the dsc

Have kdialog preceeded by (or succeeded after an "&" if the context allows it, and if it's preferable for some reason) a loop that has wmctrl "grepping"/activating" the unique name of the kdialog window, followed by xdotool resizing it, and breaking the loop.

( while  true ; do
sleep 0.2 # reduces CPU load if the loop never breaks for some reason
wmctrl -a "relevant and ideally unique title for kdialog window"  &&
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Views 251 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

"Show original directory" on Dolphin5, as a Service Menu

Posted 09-11-2016 at 06:29 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 09-11-2016 at 06:33 PM by the dsc

It used to be a native function of Konqueror/Dolphin4, but apparently it's rubbish and should be a service menu, so here's my attempt at it.

# This is free, open-source, and all that kind of stuff 
[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action goToRealPath]
Name=Go To Real Path
Exec=dolphin "$(dirname
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Views 1108 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

[solved?] New GTK2 bug? Maybe it's a QtCurve bug. Theme changes randomly

Posted 08-30-2015 at 04:23 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 11-21-2015 at 07:22 PM by the dsc
Tags bugs, theme

UPDATE: whatever happened before, it seems that now it can be partly solved by simply commenting out the font-related lines in /usr/share/themes/QtCurve/gtk-2.0/kdeglobals (not to be confused with KDE's own file with the same name!).

After a while (after a massive upgrade) the randomness of the thing stopped, the correct theming consistently fails. More evidently fonts, icon theme, and colors (including tooltips' colors). I'm not sure the widget's "design" is also affected,...
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Views 1299 Comments 3 the dsc is offline

[UPDATED] Fix some GTK3 new bugs/"features" with a few simple configurations

Posted 08-18-2015 at 09:42 AM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 04-28-2016 at 05:20 AM by the dsc (fixing broken link)
Tags bugs, gtk3

"Legacy scrolling". Back then clicking on the scroll bar meant to go about a page up or down, not that you magically know the exact content that is at that absolute point. Also "remove overlay scroll indicators", so the scroll bar is always visible and occupies a definite space, instead of sometimes overlapping content and making it harder to click, as the overlay pops up.

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Views 1367 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

Stragest BugZ Part 1

Posted 01-15-2012 at 11:14 AM by rainbowsally
Updated 08-06-2014 at 11:37 AM by rainbowsally

Before I forget, I want to jot some notes on the screwiest bugs I've seen.

First, openSUSE.

I'm using version 11.4, but it's very likely that some of these misfeatures are still present in 12.1 though the newer kde seems to behave a bit better. Better, at least when JAWS appears. The newer KDE it may self correct better but you may well still see the effect for an instant even so.


The exploding desktop bug, or "JAWS", which...
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Views 1636 Comments 0 rainbowsally is offline


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