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2021 Members Choice Award Winners
Feb 15, 2022 - 7:30 PM - by jeremy
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races (and multiple ties) and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:

... [Read More]
26 Replies | 27,564 Views
2020 Members Choice Award Winners
Feb 17, 2021 - 12:36 PM - by jeremy
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races (including our first 3 way tie) and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:

... [Read More]
36 Replies | 58,281 Views
2019 Members Choice Award Winners
Feb 12, 2020 - 12:19 PM - by jeremy
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races (including 2 ties) and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:

... [Read More]
17 Replies | 77,933 Views Turns Nineteen
Jun 26, 2019 - 3:20 PM - by jeremy
I'm proud to announce that LQ turned 19 yesterday! I’d like to once again thank each and every LQ member for their participation and feedback. While there is always room for improvement, that LQ has remained a friendly and welcoming place for new Linux members despite its constantly growing member-base and geographic distribution is a testament to the community.

To say that feedback has been absolutely critical to our success is an understatement. As has become tradition, I'd... [Read More]
69 Replies | 78,302 Views
2018 Members Choice Award Winners
Feb 12, 2019 - 1:07 PM - by jeremy
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:

... [Read More]
32 Replies | 98,601 Views Turns Eighteen
Jun 25, 2018 - 8:46 PM - by jeremy
I'm proud to announce that LQ turned 18 today! I’d like to once again thank each and every LQ member for their participation and feedback. While there is always room for improvement, that LQ has remained a friendly and welcoming place for new Linux members despite its size is a testament to the community.

To say that feedback has been absolutely critical to our success is an understatement. As has become tradition, I'd like to use this thread to collect as much feedback as... [Read More]
64 Replies | 131,964 Views


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