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Fix Google Chrome's ugly thick transparent-but-shadowed borders on compositors such as picom

Posted 05-10-2024 at 09:20 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 05-10-2024 at 11:05 PM by the dsc

By adding this on the "shadow exclude" section:
"argb && (override_redirect || wmwin)"

They've decided to once again reinvent the same GUI in the latest version of Chrome, but with some added dysfunctionalities or incompatibilities with more or less standard compositor configurations. Its context menus all of a sudden had a rather thick transparent...
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Views 2354 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

If you don't have xdg-desktop-portal, and file dialogs don't show up for firefox, edit this on about:config

Posted 01-17-2024 at 02:57 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)

on about:config there are four or five "xdg" related options. As the wonderful Arch-linux wiki explains:

Each setting can have the following values:

0 – Never
1 – Always
2 – Auto (typically depends on whether Firefox is run from within Flatpak or whether the GDK_DEBUG=portals environment is set)

The settings are:

widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker – Whether to use XDG portal for the file picker
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Views 805 Comments 1 the dsc is offline

Disable the annoying scrolling animations in GTK3

Posted 01-03-2024 at 09:38 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 02-20-2024 at 08:00 PM by the dsc

In GTK3 they came up with the notion that if you have a really long file list, and you want to get to the end of the list by pressing the "end" key, you don't really want to immediatelly jump down there to the end, instead you'd want a few seconds of an animation of the file list rolling up. Which ironically contrasts somewhat with their scrollbar innovation, of instantly moving the view to the "proportional" point on the scrollbar, rather than a click out of the scroller being...
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Views 703 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

If you prefer kdialog over "gtkdialog" on chrome-based browsers, you may need to uninstall xdg-portal-gtk, apparently

Posted 01-25-2022 at 05:29 AM by the dsc (linux-related notes)

It's likely there is a more proper way of doing it, not needing to uninstall, but I just lost my patience at this point.

Maybe still needs the non-GTK versions, a "neutral" one and a kde and a qt5 one, I can't really tell. I was about to uninstall them all, but occurred to me to try to uninstall just the gtk one, and voilá, I had kdialog on chrome-based-browsers again.

Why can't things be set by text files or environment variables with sane standards?...
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Views 504 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

Apparently Opera no longer wants you to have system-style title-bar and borders, but "devil's pie" allows you to

Posted 06-10-2020 at 02:33 AM by the dsc (linux-related notes)

Genereated by gdevilspie:

; generated_rule opera-decor
( if 
( begin 
( contains ( window_name ) "- Opera" )
( begin 
( decorate )
( println "match" )
I don't even really use it, I just installed recently trying to see if there was a bug with Brave and the other Chrome-based ones (I believe it was all due to the fact I forgot I had swap disabled, trying to fix some udev/systemd/package...
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Views 1787 Comments 2 the dsc is offline


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