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Multiple flavours of Linux- what to opt for?

Posted 09-23-2012 at 04:26 PM by leosubhadeep

I must admit, I am so confused!

Say you are a kid (you always were a kid once! ) and go to a mall with parents for shopping. You see an icecream parlour in there, and couldn't resist running towards it. Your dad gives you moderate warning about being ill but you barely care. So you go, and see there's a season offer: pick up any flavour of icecream, without any cost.

Now, you love chocolates also. So chances are there you go for a chocolate flavour. Then again, you...
Posted in Taste of Linux
Views 6369 Comments 1 leosubhadeep is offline

To boot a broken openSUSE 11.4 (also dual-linux bootloader issues)

Posted 01-28-2012 at 03:31 AM by rainbowsally
Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:33 AM by rainbowsally

To boot a broken openSUSE system:

Use the DVD. (I am not online when I do this but it should work either way.)

1. Select "install" at the main menu, then when you get to the menu,

2. Select "update" <- IMPORTANT! If you don't click on 'update' it will destroy your home folders at the last step. Reboot (reset is fine here) if there's any question and run the installer again.

Evaluating the root partition is ok....
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 1889 Comments 0 rainbowsally is offline

Stragest BugZ Part 1

Posted 01-15-2012 at 10:14 AM by rainbowsally
Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:37 AM by rainbowsally

Before I forget, I want to jot some notes on the screwiest bugs I've seen.

First, openSUSE.

I'm using version 11.4, but it's very likely that some of these misfeatures are still present in 12.1 though the newer kde seems to behave a bit better. Better, at least when JAWS appears. The newer KDE it may self correct better but you may well still see the effect for an instant even so.


The exploding desktop bug, or "JAWS", which...
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 1618 Comments 0 rainbowsally is offline

So you'd like to run apps from the commandline as su or user

Posted 01-14-2012 at 11:24 PM by rainbowsally
Updated 01-15-2012 at 07:42 AM by rainbowsally

So you'd like to run apps from the commandline as su or user

In case it's not clear, and it probably isn't, this modification (openSUSE version so far):

[x] Allows users to run gui apps (such as kate or kwrite, konqueror or dolphin) and non-gui apps with the same syntax, no wrappers. I.e., makes kde work WITH linux instead of against it.

[x] Allows uniform syntax for calling script-based programs which may now call gui apps or not and run without crashing,...
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 1200 Comments 0 rainbowsally is offline
Rating: 3 votes, 5.00 average.

How to survive to OpenSuse 11.3 upgrade on PCs with NVIDIA Video Cards [ANNOUNCEMENT]

Posted 12-10-2010 at 08:09 AM by angelo.fonzeca (Angelo Fo. personal blog)
Updated 12-13-2010 at 06:31 AM by angelo.fonzeca


In my opinion OpenSuse is one of the best GNU/Linux distribution... It is stable, it has maniac precision for the particulars, "branded" desktop... so you are REALLY productive since the first login and It's cool!

Another invaluable feature is th "YAST2 tool", a very fast, smart and useful control panel for services and system.

Anyway, I use this OS in my production PCs... OpenSuse never disappointed me!

PerseusGuard Developer
Views 2532 Comments 0 angelo.fonzeca is offline


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