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Openbox' rc.xml can do some conditional evaluations that may allow for keybindings to react different depending on the window that's focused

Posted 10-21-2024 at 11:31 AM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 10-21-2024 at 11:32 AM by the dsc

I think that I might have wanted to be possible for one thing or another, several times ever since I've started using Openbox (a long time ago, almost right before the final version came out), but I thought such thing would most likely involve some external script to handle most of it, which I don't recall whether I even ever tried to implement for anything. It would have been probably something very specifically developed to a given use-case rather than something more readily adaptable to more...
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Views 94 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

Wrapper-script to launch a browser in private/incognito mode if keys control or shift are being held (thought for Openbox menus)

Posted 05-20-2024 at 12:47 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 05-20-2024 at 12:48 PM by the dsc
Tags openbox

While one can do something even more efficient with pure keybindings, or maybe merely first launching the normal window and then a private one, I thought that it was interesting. AFAIK it can't be done purely on Openbox' menu's functionalities alone.

xinput query-state 9 2>/dev/null | grep "key\[50\]=down\|key\[62\]=down\|key\[37\]=down\|key\[105\]=down" && incognito="--incognito"

echo ${incognito/--} | aosd_cat
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Fix Google Chrome's ugly thick transparent-but-shadowed borders on compositors such as picom

Posted 05-10-2024 at 09:20 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 05-10-2024 at 11:05 PM by the dsc

By adding this on the "shadow exclude" section:
"argb && (override_redirect || wmwin)"

They've decided to once again reinvent the same GUI in the latest version of Chrome, but with some added dysfunctionalities or incompatibilities with more or less standard compositor configurations. Its context menus all of a sudden had a rather thick transparent...
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Views 2361 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

Circumventing some questionable webdesign practices with keybindings

Posted 02-12-2024 at 08:12 PM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Tags openbox

Some sites seem to assume you'd rather roll the mouse wheel than click and drag the scroll bar, so there's none. Sometimes you can even scroll down with the arrow keys, but that can be somewhat messy, with different sites chosing different parts to have been focused and thus they won't necessarily answer the way you'd expect consistently.

But one can "fake" the mouse wheel with the keyboard and xdotool.

On Openbox, I've just set up:


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Views 219 Comments 0 the dsc is offline

Openbox sometimes requires a "triple click" for what one would expect to achieve with a double click

Posted 11-08-2023 at 11:38 AM by the dsc (linux-related notes)
Updated 11-08-2023 at 11:39 AM by the dsc

Was just randomly trying to see if you could have different mouse-bindings association for double and single click on the same context, and decided to web-search a bit after it failed, "maybe there's some syntax trick or something," I thought.

Instead I found an old post in this forum saying that, in completely different circumstances (out of window-management associations, seems to me), Openbox requires a triple click where other/actual DEs would require a double one....
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Views 220 Comments 0 the dsc is offline


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