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Just annotations of little "how to's", so I know I can find how to do something I've already done when I need to do it again, in case I don't remember anymore, which is not unlikely. Hopefully they can be useful to others, but I can't guarantee that it will work, or that it won't even make things worse.
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If you prefer kdialog over "gtkdialog" on chrome-based browsers, you may need to uninstall xdg-portal-gtk, apparently

Posted 01-25-2022 at 04:29 AM by the dsc

It's likely there is a more proper way of doing it, not needing to uninstall, but I just lost my patience at this point.

Maybe still needs the non-GTK versions, a "neutral" one and a kde and a qt5 one, I can't really tell. I was about to uninstall them all, but occurred to me to try to uninstall just the gtk one, and voilá, I had kdialog on chrome-based-browsers again.

Why can't things be set by text files or environment variables with sane standards? It's almost like developers want to make things cryptic for no reason.
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