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View Poll Results: what do you like most about linux?
it's so cool looking! 3 20.00%
it's nice to be able to compile everything from source! 2 13.33%
i like learning something new everyday 4 26.67%
it's as easy or as sophisticated as i could want it 4 26.67%
there always seems to be somewhere to turn for help 3 20.00%
i feel "free" from the gravity of windows 6 40.00%
gives me a sense that i can do anything 7 46.67%
it's just plan fun! 5 33.33%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 07-24-2004, 04:25 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: USA & Canada
Distribution: Slackware 12.0
Posts: 978

Rep: Reputation: 30
xmms, xine, gxine, totem, realplay and slackware 10.0...

well, it's so nice to see linux armed with so many multimedia players and browers and all with plugin and helper app capabilities all over the place. what's needed now however is a means to mix and match properly. it's nice that things are generally working better than ever on my 5 year old dell inspiron, with linux, especially slackware, my pentium iii 500 mhz laptop isn't getting older, it's getting better....

but one thing i would like and perhaps it'll be my pet project, but i need to find out how to determine which multimedia apps i want running with each browser, even nautilus and kde browsers... quite a feat i know, but how nice it would be to have a grip on all that....

massive learning curve ahead i think but think of everything i'll learn in the process...

and what kills me the most is that even if i take the time to compile the source code for whatever multimedia product i'm interested in, the damn thing only seems to work even better...

must be a "linux" thing i guess....

having the source code for everything immediately available (not to mention the latest players are handing wmv and real player formats) will be the death of windows....

long live linux

- perry

Last edited by perry; 07-24-2004 at 04:30 PM.
Old 07-24-2004, 05:25 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Void Linux, former Slackware
Posts: 498

Rep: Reputation: 100Reputation: 100
I'd add *nix philosophy (solve complex tasks by combining/chaining small & simple & perfect working programs) that's very different of another OS worlds I know (Windows, MacOS).


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