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Old 10-13-2000, 12:02 PM   #1
Larry James
Registered: Jun 2000
Location: Buffalo, New York
Distribution: Ubuntu, Raspbian
Posts: 381

Rep: Reputation: 40

I'm writing a photo album in PHP. At present I use an external program to make thumbnails of which I put into an icon directory for the links. I see that PHP has support for actually resizing images on the fly. However, when I try to use the jpeg support functions, I get the error:

Warning: ImageJpeg: No JPG support in this PHP build

I include the following jpeg support options when building php4.0.2:


After the make I run:

nm ext/gd/gd.o | grep jp

and get the following output:

00000680 T php_if_imagecreatefromjpeg
00000afc T php_if_imagejpeg

I believe the T is supposed to be a U with the proper support. Also, running <? phpinfo() ?> shows support for png, but it doesn't show support for jpeg.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments.

-- L. James
Old 10-13-2000, 12:16 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2000
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To create jpegs php relies on the gd library, which you appear to have compiled in. But gd requires libjpeg-6b or higher, so make sure you have this installed (on my machine it is /usr/lib/ If you don't it is available here -
If you are still having problems let us know.
Old 10-13-2000, 03:58 PM   #3
Larry James
Registered: Jun 2000
Location: Buffalo, New York
Distribution: Ubuntu, Raspbian
Posts: 381

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Rep: Reputation: 40
Thanks for the quick response. All the libraries were installed except the jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz. I installed that and recompiled both apache and php. It still doesn't work.
I notice there doesn't seem to not be support for the imagejpeg on your system also. If you had, had support I was going to ask you where were the hurtles you experienced.

-- L. James
Old 10-13-2000, 04:11 PM   #4
Registered: Jun 2000
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I didn't make an effort to compile PHP with JPEG support. Full instructions can be found here -
Old 10-14-2000, 07:10 PM   #5
Larry James
Registered: Jun 2000
Location: Buffalo, New York
Distribution: Ubuntu, Raspbian
Posts: 381

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Rep: Reputation: 40
Thanks a bunch for the support


Thanks a bunch for the support. The problem is resolved. Your research was helpful. It confirmed that I had done everything.

There are many varibles involved with programming. One of the main persistent culprits this time was the config.cache. The system wouldn't search for the libraries that I was adding. I had continued to do make cleans for the longest. After clearing the cache, I had another problem that threw me for a loop. It wouldn't compile without errors... not even with the defaul ./configure. Then I downloaded the latest version, and it failed to compile by default.

The culprit with this new thing was a mismatch with my kernel files. I had started an incomplete stall of the kernel 2.4.0 and this was interfering with the includes.

All in all, I have the module working. It's facilitating my album program. However, it loads much slower than the one that had the icons directory (refering to the loading of the picture index). Also, I'm going to have to figure out what causes the main page to stop loading and never complete if you click on an image before they are all up. The only way you can get the other images is to do a brower refresh.

An example of the album is at:

-- L. James


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