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Sad about not having my shop now that I'm permanent in Florida

Posted 08-29-2024 at 02:59 PM by onebuck


I had a great shop for my wood working and separate Electronics workshop/bench.

I miss having my tools to perform tasks. I brought as much as possible to my home in Florida. Space is limited and I was not about to shoot myself in foot by buying a bigger place. I had most of my shops tools sold at auction along with my supplies. I renovated a lot of houses and built a few nice shops from horded supplies. My wife always asked me why I kept so much. I had to remind her...
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Posted 05-25-2024 at 03:48 PM by onebuck


I finally had to see a specialist and it was recommended to have a right knee medial replacement which is a partial knee work. I had this done on May 6, 2024 and have been going through recovery. My PT session are going good. I do my PT early along with my elliptical workout. Then I do my walk sessions in our clubhouse since it's very hot right now in central Florida.

I see my surgeon on May 28 to get the stitches taken out and to review my progress. I'm ahead of my...
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Posted 01-12-2024 at 11:59 AM by onebuck


I've been laid up for awhile. I injured my right knee by stepping into a hole as I was stepping down from a Tee. Twisted it and bruised my MCL. I keep re-injuring this by leading with my right leg. Once I stepped off my landing step and twisted my ankle thus torquing my knee. It's hard to retrain oneself to lead with the opposite leg. After a short layoff, I then stepped off my patio and slipped in the leaves and sand twisting the knee again. I tried to play golf and had issues...
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It's HOT!!!

Posted 06-29-2023 at 03:01 PM by onebuck


My second summer here in Florida and boy is it hot. Seems to be the hottest yet. I love it here and learned to adjust my outdoor activities. I'm glad to have made the decision to stay here in Florida. Illinois is now having to struggle with the Canadian fires pushing smoke over the Midwest. I would be confined to my home because of my asthma and cardio issues. I'd go nuts! At least here I can take my meds to help through allergens.

I'm trying to gain back my muscle...
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Florida resident

Posted 05-23-2023 at 12:00 PM by onebuck


I've been a Florida resident since 10-16-2021 and don't regret leaving Illinois.
I do miss my friends back in Illinois but they know they are welcome here anytime.

I sold my property in Illinois back in Sept/22 and don't regret that either since the taxes were killing me. Plus I do not have to worry about snow here, just hurricanes in the summertime. As a senior here I have a lot of benefits and the tax savings are great. Plus I can play Golf anytime I want, that...
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