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Old 02-17-2021, 12:36 PM   #1
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2020 Members Choice Award Winners

The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races (including our first 3 way tie) and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:

Desktop Distribution of the Year - Ubuntu (20.31%)
Server Distribution of the Year - Slackware (32.93%)
Live Distribution of the Year - Slackware Live Edition (41.55%)
Database of the Year - MariaDB (53.18%)
Browser of the Year - Firefox (54.82%)
Desktop Environment of the Year - Plasma Desktop (KDE) (35.54%)
Window Manager of the Year - Openbox (23.03%)
Audio Media Player Application of the Year - VLC (29.34%\%)
Digital Audio Workstation of the Year - Ardour (42.11%)
Video Media Player of the Year - VLC (67.26%)
Video Authoring Application of the Year - KDEnlive (44.44%)
Security Hardening and/or Scanning Application of the Year - nmap (45.83%)
Network Monitoring Application of the Year - Nagios Core (22.33%)
IDE of the Year - Visual Studio Code (23.29%)
Text Editor of the Year - vim (28.34%)
File Manager of the Year - Dolphin (29.39%)
Open Source Game of the Year - SuperTuxKart (15.05%)
Programming Language of the Year - Python (31.14%)
Backup Application of the Year - Timeshift (23.58%)
Log Management Tool of the Year - Logstash (33.80%)
X Terminal Emulator of the Year - Konsole (23.25%)
Browser Privacy Solution of the Year - uBlock Origin (38.62%)
Privacy Solution of the Year - GnuPG (33.33%)
IRC Client of the Year - HexChat (44.83%)
Single Board Computer of the Year - Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (58.59%)
Virtualization Application of the Year - VirtualBox (53.76%)
Container of the Year - Docker (60.58%)
Linux/Open Source Podcast of the Year - Bad Voltage/Command Line Heroes/GNU World Order (13.59%)
Secure Messaging Application of the Year - Signal (45.63%)
Graphics Editor of the Year - GIMP (74.67%)
Linux Desktop Vendor of the Year - System76 (52.99%)
Linux Laptop Vendor of the Year - System76 (39.86%)
Linux Server Vendor of the Year - Dell (31.58%)
Email Client of the Year - Thunderbird (57.87%)
Clipboard Manager of the Year - Klipper (52.73%)
PDF Viewer of the Year - Okular (37.40%)
Static Site Generator of the Year - Hugo (32.26%)
Screen Recording and Streaming Tool of the Year - OBS Studio (37.21%)
Media Server of the Year - Kodi (37.14%)
Team Communication Application of the Year - Slack (38.24%)
Music Collaboration Platform of the Year - SoundJack (32.00%)
If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the MCA's next year, do let us know. Visit to view the individual polls, which contain the complete results. Visit for a visual representation of each category on a single page.

Old 02-17-2021, 01:02 PM   #2
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Yeah, add a non-Linux category like "UNIX OS of the year".

etc I've been suggesting for the last two years now.
Old 02-17-2021, 09:30 PM   #3
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None of the winners had a majority of users supporting its categories. This screams for rank choice voting (RCV). I'm not a programmer, but this seems to be an app that can quickly get us to a majority winner with a series of if fi commands (e.g., if a candidate gets less than 1%, apply those voters' next choice until 1% = zero, if a candidate gets less than 2%, apply those voters' next choice until 2% = zero, etcetera, until a candidate has a majority, with honorable mentions to the runner(s)-up.) Let's do it this way next year. It'll be fun!
Old 02-17-2021, 09:49 PM   #4
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Yeah. Have permanent choices in some categories for veneration. ed(1). If you don't have the standard editor, then... Even if it gets 0, it should be left out of respect.
Or, you could have a "VENERATE" button for it below the poll. Just kidding. As for Rank Choice voting, that is an interesting idea. I would still want to see what percentage of people picked what as their #1.
Old 02-17-2021, 10:19 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2017
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It's not a popularity contest, really, it's not what "most" users (other than, say Firefox, Virtualbox or System76, in their categories) but what the admitted fragmented Linux community on this forum particularly picked as number ones. If I recall, the raw data, or something resembling it, is available if you want to manipulate it in your own manner such as rank choice after the fact.
Otherwise, it would remind me of the US presidential voting system (shudder) where the one and two percent candidates don't even show up in most results.
Old 02-17-2021, 10:54 PM   #6
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if Desktop Distribution of the Year - Ubuntu
File Mangager of the Year = Nautilus

Originally Posted by jeremy View Post
The polls are closed and the results are in. We once again had some extremely close races (including our first 3 way tie) and the large number of new categories this year certainly kept things interesting. Congratulations to each and every nominee. The official results:

If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the MCA's next year, do let us know. Visit to view the individual polls, which contain the complete results. Visit for a visual representation of each category on a single page.

Old 02-18-2021, 12:19 AM   #7
Jan K.
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Originally Posted by josephpmh View Post
None of the winners had a majority of users supporting its categories. This screams for rank choice voting (RCV). I'm not a programmer, but this seems to be an app that can quickly get us to a majority winner with a series of if fi commands (e.g., if a candidate gets less than 1%, apply those voters' next choice until 1% = zero, if a candidate gets less than 2%, apply those voters' next choice until 2% = zero, etcetera, until a candidate has a majority, with honorable mentions to the runner(s)-up.) Let's do it this way next year. It'll be fun!
Why not use Desktop Vendor as an example of that number crushing and show, what difference it would make...?

OTOH... it is after all only some 400 votes, so hardly worth making too big a deal out of the whole thing...

I'm interested in graphics editor, IDE, mail and security, so will go look for insparation now.

Thanks for the polls, LQ

Old 02-18-2021, 06:02 AM   #8
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As always, most of my favorites aren’t the majority’s favorites.
Old 02-18-2021, 02:45 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by YesItsMe View Post
As always, most of my favorites aren’t the majority’s favorites.
Me too. Does that make us UNIX saints?

I was shocked to see Konsole take terminal of the year.
I was also shocked (in a good way) to see Slackware win as live distro of the year.
Finally vi(1) was split four ways (elvis, vi, neovim, vim) and yet vim more than doubled emacs!
Oh well, M-x ewww probably doesn't support the polls anymore.
I wish ed(1) had made it.
Old 02-20-2021, 02:30 PM   #10
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ed(1) keeps being denied, sadly.
Old 02-20-2021, 10:06 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by YesItsMe View Post
ed(1) keeps being denied, sadly.
I actually use it quite frequently. If I get an error from a compiler or interpreter I can correct it without having to remember the line number, and type of error.
Had it been in the polls I would have voted for it this year.
Old 02-21-2021, 01:13 PM   #12
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In Ireland, We have a system of Proportional Representation for Elections which seems to be what is being requested. Candidates are voted for, and any candidate who reaches the Quota is deemed elected. The Quota = (Number of Votes divided by number of seats) +1. As 'Best' means there's only one place being awarded, the quota would be (Number of Votes divided by 2)+1.

The counting goes as follows
  1. First preferences are counted, and can be extracted and mentioned separately.
  2. The least popular candidate is eliminated. If the 2nd least popular won't reach the quota with the least popular's votes they are eliminated also, and so on up, until somebody could reach quota with 100% of the eliminated candidates' votes.
  3. The second count counts the second preference of these eliminated candidates.
  4. The least popular remaining candidate is eliminated, and his votes are divided by their next preference.
  5. Repeat until somebody reaches the quota. If a preference is blank, discard the vote.
  6. If nobody reaches the quota, elect the last remaining candidate without reaching the quota.
This can all be done in a spreadsheet, and is done here to give ammunition for pundits, and allow projections.

In most categories, anything voted for becomes a candidate. Candidates can be given as a list, for this reason. There's vi, vim, elvis, nvi, & many others. All were categorized as 'vim' or 'vi type editors.' Otherwise the plethora of vi type editors might allow emacs to win. Likewise a classification can/should be withdrawn if the same program has won a number of years in a row - VLC for example. I can't remember when that did not win.
Old 03-16-2021, 08:28 PM   #13
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There are tons of ranked choice voting web apps, so it might be fairly simple to use that method next year:
Old 03-17-2021, 06:51 AM   #14
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I am not shocked to see the winners, they are (most of the time) not my choices but, that's to be expected in a fragmented environment as this.

Living La Vida Linux!
Old 03-17-2021, 01:52 PM   #15
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I suggest adding some additional categories:
  • Best Shell
  • Best Prompt
  • Best Tiling Window Manager (keep the generic window manager category though too)



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