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Ubuntu This forum is for the discussion of Ubuntu Linux.


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Old 03-05-2007, 01:34 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: thailand
Distribution: suse9.3, Mandrake10.1
Posts: 381

Rep: Reputation: 30
where is kbuntu

I would prefer to load with the kde desktop.

If I use Ubuntu and add the kde desktop have I the kbuntu version?

Is there a 64bit version of Kbuntu and if so is it as far ahead as Ubuntu with the kde desktop installed?

Is one distro going faster than the other or is ubuntu the real distro
and kubunto a way of saying I am using the kde desktop on umbuntu?

Old 03-05-2007, 01:42 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by barrythai
I would prefer to load with the kde desktop.

If I use Ubuntu and add the kde desktop have I the kbuntu version?
You'll have more packages installed than the ones that come with kubuntu. You'll still have the gdm instead of
kdm by default.

Is there a 64bit version of Kbuntu and if so is it as far ahead as Ubuntu with the kde desktop installed?
I think those distros are almost the same.
The Kubuntu 64-bit version is here:
(this is a greek mirror)

Is one distro going faster than the other or is ubuntu the real distro
and kubunto a way of saying I am using the kde desktop on umbuntu?
I think they are almost the same
Old 03-05-2007, 01:57 PM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: May 2005
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Originally Posted by barrythai
I would prefer to load with the kde desktop.
These instructions will help you with that:

If I use Ubuntu and add the kde desktop have I the kbuntu version?
It depends on what package you install. kdebase will give you an absolute barebones (and barely functional) KDE. kde-core will give you the essentials of a working KDE installation. kubuntu-desktop will give you the default Ubuntu KDE packages (Kubuntu) and artwork. kde will give you just about every KDE package available.

Is there a 64bit version of Kbuntu and if so is it as far ahead as Ubuntu with the kde desktop installed?
Since Kubuntu and Ubuntu are the same distro (with different default programs and artwork), neither is ahead of the other, and 64-bit versions are available for both Kubuntu and Ubuntu.

Is one distro going faster than the other
Probably not by much. I've heard it both ways. Some say Ubuntu is faster. Others say Kubuntu is faster. Truth is, if you experience slowness with either of them, you should be using Xubuntu or something lighter (Ubuntu with IceWM or Fluxbox) instead of Ubuntu or Kubuntu.
or is ubuntu the real distro
and kubunto a way of saying I am using the kde desktop on umbuntu?
According to Kubuntu's website:
What is Kubuntu?
Kubuntu is the first Ubuntu derived distribution. Our Kubuntu CDs are made up of Ubuntu's base plus KDE. You can get exactly the same effect by installing Ubuntu and adding the KDE packages (and removing the Gnome packages) from the Ubuntu archives.
Old 03-06-2007, 10:23 AM   #4
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: thailand
Distribution: suse9.3, Mandrake10.1
Posts: 381

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
Thanks I have the Ubuntu switched to kde and am using
the 64 bit version on my laptop.

Wireless was no problem and the extra wireless packages (radar) are great.

Much better than mandriva



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