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Old 07-08-2007, 12:38 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 10

Rep: Reputation: 0
Sound Problem with Ubuntu 7.04

Ok this is the deal.

I installed the live cd version of Ubuntu on a P4 with XPpro/Ubuntu7.04 Onboard via97 sound disabled in bios, all went well, played the .ogg file w/Mandella speaking about ubuntu. So I install it run for a few days get all the updates, Then my sound card does'nt work (Audigy 2Z Plantium) Now I go back into Windows XP as dual-boot was setup It doesn't work as well. So I Reparition start from scratch. But I also move the soundcard to a different PCI slot. Put windows back in sound card is fine but. Putting in the Ubuntu live sound now only works when I plug into onboard sound. Now I double check the bios, onboard is still disabled. I try with Kubuntu 7.04 still same issue. I put in the Elive cd from my magazine, it does dectect my audigy.

So now my question is does anyone have an Idea they can point me to resolve this issue. As I would like to contiune using the Ubuntu 7.04. Thanks
Old 07-08-2007, 01:28 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Scotland
Distribution: Debian Sid / Kubuntu
Posts: 170

Rep: Reputation: 30
can you post the output of



lsmod | grep snd

When I first started using linux it took me 3 weeks to realise my sound was working, just all the levels were set to zero in the mixer, but that was about 10 years ago, things have got better.

Last edited by stealth_banana; 07-08-2007 at 01:29 PM.


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