Ubuntu Errors: sound problems, host identification problem, and more...
Okay, here's what happened:
Problem #1:
During Ubuntu's installation (think close to Debian), it asked if I wanted to retrieve updates from the internet... I said yes, and it got alot of packages. The packages flew by really fast, but one that stood out was something like "laptop-get" (I couldn't get the exact name, it was up for less than a second); the issue is that I don't have a laptop, and I think this may be the cause of some later problems...
Problem #2:
The installation (all 45min. of it) went fine, and it booted to the Gnome login. After logging it Gnome said this: "Could not look up internet address of myhost (Ubuntu default: "debian", I renamed it during install; it said this was okay), it may be possible to correct problem by adding myhost to file: etc/hosts". My problem is: I have no idea how to do that; do I go to ipchicken, or do I need a console command like Dos/NT ipconfig? And will it even help?
Problem #3:
A number of laptop-esque panel apps are available, which isn't good considering what I've mentioned. I suspect that my usb keyboard may suggest to Ubuntu that I have a laptop, but I don't know...
Problem #4:
Sound Issue (many aspects): the PCM slider on OSS controls the master volume, the "Master Volume" controls nothing, the "headphone" slider on alsa, also controls the master volume, while alsa "Master Volume" does nothing. Sound only comes out of my right speaker, which is odd considering that the right speaker is only attached to the PC through the left speaker!
I've already tried reinstalling once with no changes...
I don't expect anyone to know how to resolve everything, but helping with even one of the problems would be most appreciated. I'm thinking that I might need to skip the web updates... but Ubuntu claims that they are "strongly reccomended". So any ideas?