Hi everyone
i have installed ubuntu 6.06 LTS for PC..i have succesfully installed win32codec and mplayer.
i tried to install mplayer skins by downloading the tar.gz files and copied it in to
But now use.........>!!! the skin is not displayed in the skin browser..
Please help me to install the skin....
Mplayer is stopping when i scroll the mouse while playing .flv files....
previously when i was using mplayer in fedora core 6 it didnt happen like that.....
i can smmothly rewind and forward...other video and audio formats are working well
How can i smoothly rewind and forward all the video files in ubuntu???
I found that there are many repositories to be added to install multimedia files...
i followed the link
I am getting an error that
some dependencies are not resolved while installing VLC and libdvdcss
Please give me the repos to be added.........!!!
Thanks in Advance