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X vs Y. Why?

Posted 01-15-2006 at 07:02 PM by XavierP

Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, Linux users do not, by default, hate Microsoft or Windows. Some of us still make our living from picking up after them.

The number of "Windows vs Linux" threads seems to be increasing, why? Why why why? Seriously guys, if you feel the need to ask why one is better than the other you really haven't spent enough time with either. If you ask, on a Linux site, for an opinion of which is the superior OS what do you think the...
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Views 5421 Comments 2 XavierP is offline

How Hard Is It To Post In The Right Forum?

Posted 12-28-2005 at 05:46 PM by XavierP

This has long been a question in my head. I find LQ very easy to navigate. The forums and sub-forums are clearly named and laid out and it's not hard to find my way around. And it's been the same ever since I first registered.

So why are we still seeing threads in the wrong places? Read the forums descriptions and post in the appropriate place. It's not rocket surgery!
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 4748 Comments 11 XavierP is offline

All Those Lovely "Easy Questions"

Posted 12-26-2005 at 07:11 PM by XavierP

I'd like to publicly say "stop doing this". It's very very annoying.

I see on LQ numerous threads like this: "compiling a kernel - easy question", "simple question about installing xine" and similar threads.

If it's so easy or simple to do these things, why on earth would you need to post a thread about it? Just go and do it.

We are not flattered because you think it will be easy for us to answer your question, nor will...
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 3361 Comments 0 XavierP is offline

Opening Paragraph

Posted 12-24-2005 at 01:00 PM by XavierP

1 blog
1 blogger
Mixed users
Mix of things that need to be said

Stir well and leave to percolate.

What's this all about then eh? Well, since I already have a blog and since everyone else will be blogging about their Linux experiences, I felt that I needed to do something a little bit different.

This will be full of stuff that annoys me. No personal attacks, though, it will be about trends rather than...
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 4915 Comments 2 XavierP is offline


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