I had a similar problem. When you say "nothing happens" do you mean the screen stays exactly the same and literally nothing happens, or do you mean it goes blank and nothing happens? When I was installing Ubuntu (actually Xubuntu) the monitor would go blank, then it would just turn off. The way I got around the problem was to press the F4 key for "VGA" and select the lowest resolution and depth. (640x480x16) Now obviously you probably don't want to work at that resolution. The strange thing was that the boot progress bar was in this resolution, but when it booted to the desktop, it was in 1280x1024 or something normal like that, and I could install normally. Also, when I boot my computer, my monitor blinks, but all I have to do is move the mouse and it comes back. If it blinks off once its booted, move the mouse around and that might fix it. For me now it only does this once per boot and I can deal with that since I only take it down like once a month so I can dust it out.
Anyway just try pressing F4 to turn the VGA all the way down, and see if that fixes the problem. If I remember correctly you'll see the progress bar, then the screen will blink off. Move the mouse and it should come back on. Then click the "Install" icon and viola!
I hope this helps you. If not then come back and I will try to help some more.
PS - if it doesn't work, check the md5 sum of the downloaded iso. Perhaps you have a corrupted download.