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Old 01-21-2007, 05:34 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2005
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Ubuntu freezes, Mepis does not

Using Dapper Drake Ubuntu, in the last few weeks everything freezes after the computer has been on for a while. The fact that it does not happen with Simply Mepis, based on Ubuntu, seems to rule out a hardware problem. The onset is quick taking a few seconds. Therefore I cannot analyze for changes in the memory or anything else. Before it happens, when I can use my mouse and get information, there is no excessive memory usage. If it is relevant I normally have multiple desktops in use. Is there anything that I can do other than reinstall Ubuntu.
Old 01-21-2007, 09:52 AM   #2
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This perhaps illustrates my theory that computers are not deterministic. There are so many little variables in how things get set up--so many variables that one individual would never be able to catalog all of them.

Ubuntu always worked for me (after I got past the no-root-user sillines). A recent install did some funnny things, and I wound up trying Mepis. (v6). This is now the default at home, and has been an absolute rock.. I suppose that if I had some GSSL, it would be entertaining to pursue, but I am not going to do it personally.....

GSSL: How university professors get all their work done. In my business we work for these guys and sometimes compete with them. The cheapest form of labor on the planet.

(Graduate Student Slave Labor)
Old 01-22-2007, 04:30 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by pixellany
This perhaps illustrates my theory that computers are not deterministic. There are so many little variables in how things get set up--so many variables that one individual would never be able to catalog all of them.

Ubuntu always worked for me (after I got past the no-root-user sillines). A recent install did some funnny things, and I wound up trying Mepis. (v6). This is now the default at home, and has been an absolute rock.. I suppose that if I had some GSSL, it would be entertaining to pursue, but I am not going to do it personally.....

GSSL: How university professors get all their work done. In my business we work for these guys and sometimes compete with them. The cheapest form of labor on the planet.

(Graduate Student Slave Labor)
Mepis is now my default after trying various other distro.
I just have one problem. I cannot print using an Epson Stylus photo 750. Any ideas?
Old 01-22-2007, 07:54 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by fredhughes
Mepis is now my default after trying various other distro.
I just have one problem. I cannot print using an Epson Stylus photo 750. Any ideas?
What exactly is the problem? On my Mepis, the 750 is one of the choices in printer setup.
Can you print a test page?
Can you print from any program or just some?
What is the overall setup---eg what printers, and on what ports?


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