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Old 11-18-2013, 12:55 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2010
Location: Georgia
Distribution: Slackware64 14.2
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Wacom tablets in 14.1

I recently bought a Wacom tablet (intuos, model CTH680), and I'm having a tough time getting it to work. Everything I've found online has been distro-specific stuff for Debian or Arch, so I thought I'd see if anyone has any ideas for how to make it work.

Using KDE, when I go to Graphics Tablet under input devices, it says no tablets found, ensure kded is started, etc (can't remember exact wording). dmesg and lsusb both show the tablet as being connected (at least, there's a Wacom line for it).

Beyond this I'm not really sure what to do. I've never used a Wacom tablet with Linux but I've always heard that support is great, so I'm sort of at a loss now.
Old 11-18-2013, 05:32 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2011
Distribution: Slackware64
Posts: 364

Rep: Reputation: 67
I'm looking into it right now. I remember getting my wacom bamboo working was interesting. I'm looking at the kernel driver details right now, and then will look at the X11 driver after.
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Old 11-18-2013, 05:46 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2011
Distribution: Slackware64
Posts: 364

Rep: Reputation: 67
OK. To be of help, I need to see output of 'lsusb -v'. From there I can check the driver code for support.

Really, all I need is the idProduct line.

Last edited by j_v; 11-18-2013 at 05:49 PM.
Old 11-18-2013, 06:10 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by j_v View Post
OK. To be of help, I need to see output of 'lsusb -v'. From there I can check the driver code for support.

Really, all I need is the idProduct line.
Thanks, this bit is beyond me.

The lsusb -v output concerning the tablet:
Old 11-18-2013, 06:43 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2011
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OK, I found what I was looking for. Support is very new. There is some discussion on backporting a few patches for kernel and x11 drivers. I'll sort out the details and be back later with help.

Also, I will provide links for you to follow up in case you have further questions.

Last edited by j_v; 11-18-2013 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 11-18-2013, 07:05 PM   #6
Registered: Oct 2011
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One other thing I forgot: are you using the stock kernel (3.10.17) from installation? This is so that I can make sure driver patches apply cleanly.
Old 11-18-2013, 07:06 PM   #7
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Thanks. I might just end up returning this one since I can't easily use it right now.

edit: yeah, I'm all stock aside from using Nvidia instead of nouveau. You don't have to go to any extra trouble like that though, it isn't a really big deal.

Last edited by Cultist; 11-18-2013 at 07:07 PM.
Old 11-18-2013, 07:10 PM   #8
Registered: Oct 2011
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It's up to you. Should be able to have you up and going tonight, but it's your tablet. I don't mind either way.
Old 11-18-2013, 07:19 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by j_v View Post
It's up to you. Should be able to have you up and going tonight, but it's your tablet. I don't mind either way.
No worries. Probably going to hold off for now, but definitely thanks anyway.
Old 11-18-2013, 07:26 PM   #10
Registered: Oct 2011
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OK. Well, I'm going to finish porting the patches to 3.10.17 kernel. Also, there is the linuxwacom site:

Good luck.
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Old 12-25-2013, 10:21 AM   #11
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@j_v, can we pick this back up? I just bought a CTH-680 for my wife and am having trouble getting it to work as well. I'm comfortable compiling drivers etc. and applying patches. Can you guide me in the right direction?
Old 12-25-2013, 05:32 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by jsdevel View Post
@j_v, can we pick this back up? I just bought a CTH-680 for my wife and am having trouble getting it to work as well. I'm comfortable compiling drivers etc. and applying patches. Can you guide me in the right direction?
I bought a Wacom Intuos for my daughter a year ago and after a little confusion setting it up she has been VERY happy with it! It is a different model than the CTH-680 discussed in this thread, but I would be surprised if the configuration were significantly different. So, assuming you have the driver working, and patched if necessary, here is what we did...

First, for reference, hers is an Intuos-4 4x6 device. We originally installed it to Slackware 13.37, then she used it since about February 2013 under Slackware 14.0, and under Slackware 14.1 since mid-November.

She uses it intensively, almost every day, usually with the Gimp, but sometimes for other things and often as her desktop pointer input device. Hers is USB, not wireless. If you have the USB device, plug it in and look at the output of dmesg to see that it was detected. I can't help with wireless devices.

The key for me/us was to explore the options available via the xsetwacom utility, so first thing I would recommend is:

man xsetwacom
We then experimented with the various options to figure out what they actually do. Apparently the button numbers are not consistent across the devices, so we had to figure out the mappings for those, not too bad.

Then, in the Gimp we had to specify a number of options (I don't know them well enough but will ask her for pointers if that would be helpful).

We then wrote our own scripts to configure the device for our own environments. Mine looks like this (with my reminder comments included...):


# See man xsetwacom for all details
# xsetwacom [options] [command [arguments]]
# options: -d, -h, -v, -V
# commands: list, get, set
# Example useful commands (space is signifigant in commands):
# xsetwacom get 'Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad' all
# xsetwacom get 'Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad' Button 11
#       (ex. return) key +Control_L +z -z

# xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Device "Action"
# Device must one from following list, Action must include 'key' if key
# Example: xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 11 "key ctrl z"
# Complex actions may be scripted using + or - prefix before key actions

#Button order (Device) top to bottom:
# Button 2
# Button 3
# Button 8
# AbsWheelDown (Ring CW)
# Button 1 (in ring)
# AbsWheelUP (Ring CCW)
# Button 9
# Button 10
# Button 11

# Gimp key codes may be mapped to buttons (not case sensitive)
# a = airbrush
# n = pencil
# p = paintbrush
# ctrl +z = Undo
# ctrl +y = Redo
# ctrl +j = Shrink wrap
# shift b = bucket fill
# shift plus = '+' key
# minus = '-' key
# shift = shift key
# ctrl = ctrl key
# alt = alt key
# backspace = backspace key
# ctrl alt shift o = brush down
# ctrl alt shift p = brush up
# Top buttons
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 2 "key n"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 3 "key p"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 8 "key shift"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" AbsWheelDown "key shift +plus"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 1 "key ctrl +shift +a -a -shift -ctrl +1"  # button inside touchring, zoom 100%
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" AbsWheelUp "key minus"
#Bottom buttons
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 9 "key ctrl +j"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 10 "key ctrl +y"
xsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos4 4x6 pad" Button 11 "key ctrl +z"

Last edited by astrogeek; 12-25-2013 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 12-26-2013, 05:54 PM   #13
Registered: Oct 2011
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I'm working on some slackbuilds that will have the support for the intuos cth680 and some other recent models. If they test out ok, I will post them to my github account and leave a post here with a link. Be aware that I can't test the cth680 itself, only that the module and driver work generally (I have a ctl470).

I've tested builds of most recent module and xorg driver, and these work fine here. I have to finish writing the actual slackbuilds, but these should be ready within the hour.

Last edited by j_v; 12-26-2013 at 08:03 PM. Reason: update
Old 12-26-2013, 08:30 PM   #14
Registered: Oct 2011
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Ok, took me longer to write up than I anticipated, but here is the kernel module slackbuild:
And the xorg driver:

Last edited by j_v; 12-26-2013 at 09:10 PM. Reason: Update
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Old 12-26-2013, 09:16 PM   #15
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Also, I think that you should look at astrogeek's setup script. While I suspect your model is slightly newer, his script should be straight forward to edit for your hardware, if needed.


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