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Old 07-23-2014, 08:23 PM   #16
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Dallas
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 912

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Originally Posted by genss View Post
aplay can not play mp3, it treats it as raw
use mpg321, mpg123 or best of all sox (the 'play' command)

for the voip thingy it needs a channel count, even thou it did say "Mono"
try adding -c 1 for mono, -c 2 for stereo
you can also try sox, maybe it's just a non standard wav file

U8 is unsigned 8bit format (S8 is signed)
does not mean that your card supports it, that it has to thanks to your asoundrc
just deleting bout asoundrc will make alsa resample it to 16bit/48kHz and it should play

alternatively sox can resample it
either offline or while playing (the "remix"... directive i guess, it's in the sox man page)
Thank you! The 'play' command (which I've never used before) can play both the mp3 file and the 8 bit mono wav file that aplay could not play. Now, at least, I can listen to my voice mails without having to use a different computer.

With /etc/asound.conf in place (I'm not using any .asoundrc file) aplay still can't play the 16-bit mono wav file even with -c 1 or -c 2.

$ aplay -c 1 msg_12a4d280-0eb6-11e4-be9f-fb48c42e9d38.wav 
Playing WAVE 'msg_12a4d280-0eb6-11e4-be9f-fb48c42e9d38.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
aplay: set_params:1239: Channels count non available

$ aplay -c 2 msg_12a4d280-0eb6-11e4-be9f-fb48c42e9d38.wav 
Playing WAVE 'msg_12a4d280-0eb6-11e4-be9f-fb48c42e9d38.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
aplay: set_params:1239: Channels count non available
I removed the /etc/asound.conf file, and now aplay will play the voice mail message with -c 1, -c 2, or -c omitted.

Why did this work? This is exactly the situation I had originally. The /etc/asound.conf file didn't exist originally. I created it to try to get the sound working. Now simply removing it seems to have fixed the problem. Mostly anyway. xmms is still not working. I'll try reinstalling that later.

Last edited by Z038; 07-23-2014 at 08:33 PM.
Old 07-23-2014, 08:42 PM   #17
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Dallas
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 912

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Originally Posted by Drakeo View Post
if I was you I would reinstall xmms slackpkg reinstall xmms and if that does not fix it.
Then grab the code
and build it with the script. trust me if there is an error it will point you to it.
xmms should automatically find those libraries. if they are in 64 bit.
I tried reinstalling xmms as you suggested. It didn't help. I think my next step will be to remove the compat32 packages to see if they are causing a problem. If it still doesn't work, then perhaps I'll try the source rebuild.


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