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Old 04-25-2006, 09:21 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
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Exclamation Xandros 3.0 Business Edition Boot Disk

I was trying to put Xandros 3.0 Business Edition onto and old Compac of mine, and I keep getting a non-boot disk error after trying to start Xandros. It was installed sucessfully (at least thats what I was told) and now I don't even get a boot manager.

Is it possible for someone to make a list of files to copy from the CD manually, or to send me the necessary files. I am using Xandros Business Edition. I would rather do this in Windows, because Xandros is giving me problems with coding, because whenever I try to configure my CD-Drive's mount point it says that it isnt a valid mount point or doesnt exist.

Help please, send me the files or redirect me to a place that I can make the disk from Windows.
Old 04-25-2006, 09:51 PM   #2
Penguin of Wonder
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I'd like to help you, but I'm not sure where to start. Do you know if you used Grub or Lilo during the install? Do even remember seeing either of those come up or being mentioned during the install? Reguardless of which one you used (i'm sure Xandros has one it uses by default, but I don't know which) do you get a boot menu where you can select which kernel and/or distro to boot from? Or does it stop mid-boot and throw the error at you?

Odds are you going to have to burn a live-cd like Knoppix to fix this problem, just as a fair warning.
Old 04-26-2006, 01:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Originally Posted by Penguin of Wonder
I'd like to help you, but I'm not sure where to start. Do you know if you used Grub or Lilo during the install? Do even remember seeing either of those come up or being mentioned during the install? Reguardless of which one you used (i'm sure Xandros has one it uses by default, but I don't know which) do you get a boot menu where you can select which kernel and/or distro to boot from? Or does it stop mid-boot and throw the error at you?

Odds are you going to have to burn a live-cd like Knoppix to fix this problem, just as a fair warning.
I will answer all those questions one at a time: Xandros uses Lilo to install and to boot. Neither are mentioned in the install process, but I'm pretty sure of it.

When I start to boot I see the following:
1. Compac Screen (with little hourglass) (hangs for about 40 sec)
2. "Non-boot disk inserted, please replace disc and press any key"

So it stops in mid-boot.

I have Slax Live disk (works, i tried it), is there someway to fix the error in there?
Old 04-26-2006, 10:07 PM   #4
Penguin of Wonder
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If the SLAX disk is booting, but the Xandros disk is not, it sounds to me like you have a bad disk. If you paid for it, and i'm assuming you did since its the "busniess edition," i would call and tell them your disk won't boot. Hopefully they'll send you another. If they don't add them to the "nobody purchase from this company" list.


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