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Old 07-17-2005, 08:08 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

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Window Maker menu problem

This is the first time i use Window maker. Since KDE and GNOME is pretty heavy for my system config, i tried using Window maker, which is lightweight. I have some problems with setting up the menu. When i go to the menu Edit option in the Windowmaker options , i get the following error in the Application menu edit tab
the menu format curently in use is not supported by this tool
its askeing whether to change the application menu or not. I am not sure what the consequences will..whether i will loss all the present menu or not. in that case i need to search for the executables and dock here right!

I would like to make the present menu intact and also i would like to get all the applications in the WM menu. A lot seems missing in my present menu. Can any one throw more light on the these menu...some say abt default menu and WM menu is deffernet and some blah blah.. but not even a complete answer. please throw some light about these menu systems
Old 07-17-2005, 03:48 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2005
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Yeah, I've used windowmaker. Its a pain to setup, but its worth it if your system is slow.

Go ahead and answer yes. You will notice then that most of the apps on the WM menu do not work. It is best to just use it as an example to setup your menu, but I wouldn't use it.
Then go in and individually add the apps you want with the setup. I wouldn't go crazy with apps, but just add the common ones since you could just type in the program you want with & at the $ prompt and run it (or alias it).

Also its docking takes a bit to get used to. Smb4k does not play well with it either. I just manually add samba mounts with the mount command. I have also had problems with window sizing with cxoffice, and the icons on the desktop. Some programs have a WM Icon, some get a generic icon.

If you are switching from KDE then put a shortcut on your desktop (or have it automatically run) to run:

konqueror file:/home/<username>/Desktop

This allows you to see the current stuff on your KDE desktop and execute/open them. I'm pretty sure you can do this with nautilus/gnome.

Sorry to ramble but I hope I helped
Old 07-17-2005, 11:12 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
thanx for that info..


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