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Old 01-12-2005, 07:59 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Bern (Switzerland)
Distribution: Debian (Sarge)
Posts: 23

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question i have no smb.conf

hi you all,

at the moment im installing the samba-server on my linux machine. It runs a Debian 3.00rc2 on it and the samba-version whitch im installing is 3.0.10.

so if i do compile an install the server as its described in the how-to, the installation process end and display no error.

I can also start smbd and nmbd, but if i want to edit the configfile i cant find it. as i installed samba i have no arguments set as i run ./configure.

ive looked also in the install how-tos of samba, and there is wrote that the config file can be located in /etc/samba or in /usr/local/samba/lib, but there is nothing.

so can anybody tell me where my config file is?

much thanks


Last edited by willigi; 01-12-2005 at 08:21 AM.
Old 01-12-2005, 08:29 AM   #2
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: ..where no life dwells..
Posts: 541

Rep: Reputation: 30
do a
> updatedb
> locate smb.conf
> find / -name smb.conf
Old 01-12-2005, 08:35 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2004
Distribution: LFS
Posts: 350

Rep: Reputation: 31
You have to create the config file yourself, there should be example files to work from in the samba source tree. look in the examples directory. If you ran the configure script with no arguments then the default location for your conf file *should* be in /usr/local/samba/lib.


Old 01-12-2005, 08:44 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Bern (Switzerland)
Distribution: Debian (Sarge)
Posts: 23

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Rep: Reputation: 15

>>> If you ran the configure script with no arguments then the default location for your conf file *should* be in /usr/local/samba/lib.

Yeah *should* is very right, because it isnt really so. ;-)

but if i create a file at any place, i must smbd an nmbd start with the parameter -s.

And if i will not do this, where must i locate my config file, that i must only start nmbd and smbd (without parameters) and it takes the config file?

whitch is the directory where samba looks per default for the configfile?



Last edited by willigi; 01-12-2005 at 09:31 AM.
Old 01-12-2005, 10:48 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Brabant, the Netherlands
Distribution: Gentoo 2004.x (2.6.10 hardened)
Posts: 91

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A little trick:

Configuring the file yourself is VERY much work (especially the reading of man smb.conf) and a bit difficult.

I used SWAT instead, which is a web-interface (like the cups-one, if you know it) frontend that makes a smb.conf file at the right place according to you're wishes. To configure things, you just click on things like in windows.

SWAT is started from inetd or xinetd. In my distro (gentoo) SWAT was installed already with samba, and I easily could install xinetd and start the thing, and run in my browser:

A website explaining how to use SWAT is at:

Just one of the first I found at google, you could find a better one yourself if this one isn't good enough, just search for "samba swat" and you find many pages.


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