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Old 03-16-2014, 06:45 AM   #61
htet htet
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2014
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Dear knudfl,
i'm really thankful for ur reply.i have still error " tcl8.3.2 configuration failed! Exiting ..." when i'm running the following command
$ cd ns-allinone-2.31/ && export CC=gcc41 CXX=g++41 && ./install

And the output from the command $ uname -m is i686.

i have already downloaded a ns2.31_fhmip.patch and then tried your post #2 and # 17.
Originally Posted by htet htet View Post
bash: ns2.31_fhmip.patch: No such file or directory
thanks for ur patience and sorry to trouble you.
please kindly advise me to solve that errors.

with regards,
ms. thiri
Old 03-16-2014, 06:49 AM   #62
htet htet
LQ Newbie
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Dear knudfl,
i'm really thankful for ur reply.i have still error
Originally Posted by htet htet View Post
" tcl8.3.2 configuration failed! Exiting ..."
when i'm running the following command
$ cd ns-allinone-2.31/ && export CC=gcc41 CXX=g++41 && ./install

And the output from the command $ uname -m is i686.

i have already downloaded a ns2.31_fhmip.patch and then tried your post #2 and # 17.

thanks for ur patience and sorry to trouble you.
please kindly advise me to solve that errors.

with regards,
ms. thiri
Old 03-16-2014, 07:37 AM   #63
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#61, #62.

I guess you will have to delete the downloaded gcc41-compat-4.1.2-ubuntu1210_i386.deb,
.. then download a new one, and reinstall with
$ sudo dpkg -i gcc41-compat-4.1.2-ubuntu1210_i386.deb

bash: ns2.31_fhmip.patch: No such file or directory
Please copy the patch `ns2.31_fhmip.patch' to the directory where you do $ 'patch ....'

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Old 03-17-2014, 08:43 AM   #64
htet htet
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i deleted gcc41-compat-4.1.2-ubuntu1210_i386.deb and reinstall again.
but it has the error
make: *** [linkstate/ls.o] Error 1
Ns make failed!
and i followed the steps to solve the problems in post #3
and got the same problems after running ./validate.
but i carried on the following steps:
1)gedit ~./bashrc
2) source ~./bashrc
3) ns
but % is not appeared and recommed me to run in terminal:
4) sudo apt-get install ns2
finally when i type the command ns, % is appeared.
may i know this steps i have done will be convenient for simulating about my study.
are there anything to edit and follow to get right installation?
could you give me the advices? thanks in advance.

with regards,
ms thiri
Old 03-17-2014, 01:18 PM   #65
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# 64 .
But I carried on the following steps:
1)gedit ~./bashrc
2) source ~./bashrc
Only required when you use the University Computer, and have no write permissions
to /usr/local/bin/. And : Adding the *PATH's to .bashrc doesn't always work.
The old "year 1997 text" ..
"Please put ....
.. really makes no sense in a modern world, where you are using your own computer,
.. and can install 'ns' and 'nam' to a system PATH.

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Old 03-17-2014, 02:10 PM   #66
htet htet
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Thumbs up

Dear sir,
i'm really thankful for ur every response.
i'm a beginner to use ubuntu & ns 2.
although i have tried and made the tests not only ur posts that
concerend about my installation but also from other links
I got confused and couldn't be able to understand what is the difference between the suggestions.
however, i'll try again every step you have posted.
i know my questions will make you irritated.
thank you very much for your care.
with best wishes,
ms thiri
Old 03-17-2014, 03:44 PM   #67
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# 66 : I am very patient, and will try to answer any of your ns2 questions.

About :
→ Dated `February 06 2008', and Ubuntu 7.10 is used. Things change, 12.04 is different.

And : Remember that the most tutorials are written by young students,
who are most often using Linux and ns2 for the fist time.
None of those authors have built ns2 (or any other application) thousands of times.

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Old 03-28-2014, 02:36 AM   #68
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Smile make depend pcap.h error

Thank you
it is sorted out now....
Originally Posted by knudfl View Post
# 41 .

sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8-dev
Or : It could be an error with 'make depend'.
And : When an ns-allinone-2* has been built with ./install,
.. there should be no reason to use 'make depend'.
( I am never using 'make depend' after changes. 'make' will do.)

Files~ are backup for files that you edited.
It's your own decision if you want to delete them.

Avoiding files~ :
Use another Editor, like gedit. No visible backup. ( Hidden .backup ?).
Or use leafpad : No backups at all.

If you want a backup anyway : Make backups before you edit.
Like : cp Makefile Makefile-back ; cp

Old 10-11-2014, 07:49 AM   #69
Registered: Sep 2014
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I have made all changes as it was written in the Readme file in the patch of IEEE 802.11e EDCA.
when i tried the 9th step: " run ./configure; make clean; make depend; make in your ns directory"
Ive got: no such directory when i try to configure.
(im using cygwin on windows) . how can i configure the changes?
Old 10-11-2014, 09:25 AM   #70
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← #69, @rana_abdallah.

The EDCA you are reading about in "Readme" is for ns-2.28.
Please use the patch for ns-2.35 :

** Start from scratch in a new folder in /home/<user-name>/
with a new unpacked ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz :
$ tar xvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz
The ns235 with the errors cannot be reused.

Example ...
$ cd ns-allinone-2.35/
$ patch -p0 < 802.11e-EDCA-ns235_091814.patch
$ export CC=gcc-4.4 CXX=g++41 && ./install
... and the executable "ns -802.11e" is created.
$ cp ns ns235-EDCA
$ sudo cp ns235-EDCA /usr/local/bin/
$ ns235-EDCA multi_udpflows.tcl : Works OK, the file `out.trī ~800 MB is created.

Also ref.

Old 10-11-2014, 12:50 PM   #71
Registered: Sep 2014
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1)Thank you for ur reply and ur patience
i have installed the patch and wrote what u have written
however, when i wrote : export CC=gcc-4.4 CXX=g++41 && ./install
ive got this:
ns-allinone-2.35 has not been tested under versions of Cygwin older than
1.7.1. Your version (1.5.21) appears to be older than that. Success of
the install process is therefore NOT GUARANTEED.

The above test indicates that your installation of Cygwin
is probably NOT SUITABLE for installing ns-2 allinone.
(More details can be found in the specific error message above.)

2) im using cygwin on windows so what are the neccesary command for cygwin? is sudo suitable on cygwin?
Please waiting ur reply
Old 10-11-2014, 02:09 PM   #72
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← #71 .

Depends on which version of Cygwin you are using.
.. Or more important, the gcc and g++ version.
What's the output from :
a) $ gcc --version | grep gcc
b) $ g++ --version | grep g++
... Say you have gcc-4.7 : No ns2 will compile without errors.

** Actually you would could make things a lot easier :
Install a genuine 32bits (i386 / i686) Linux OS in VirtualBox,
or to a spare hard disk.

A normal Linux OS comes with several gcc/g++ versions,
which all can be installed at the same time.
And : You can get little or no help with {Cygwin / ns2}.

OS suggestion : CentOS 6.5
>>> CentOS-6.5-i386-LiveCD.iso

P.S. : The example in post #70 is an example only.
And isn't a Cygwin example.
You have no executables by name gcc-4.4 or g++41.
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Old 10-12-2014, 04:03 AM   #73
Registered: Sep 2014
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The output are:
1)gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
2)g++ (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

the patch of ns-allinone 2.35 or 2.28 can't be used on this version of cygwin without installing Linux OS?
Old 10-12-2014, 04:23 AM   #74
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← #73 .
the patch of ns-allinone 2.35 or 2.28 can't be used on this version of cygwin
May be ?
See post #72 : "You can get little or no help with {Cygwin / ns2}".

I.e. only you can find out. Just try :
You can have as many ns-allinone-2 as you want,
installed at the same time. But do never add any *PATH text to .bashrc.

May be you have more luck with ns228 or ns230 or ns233 :



Last edited by knudfl; 10-12-2014 at 04:26 AM.
Old 10-12-2014, 04:48 AM   #75
Registered: Sep 2014
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im using cygwin ns-2.30.
The size of the patch of EDCA-802.11e_ns230.patch is 153 KB? no tcl file in it?? or is there a wrong installation?
Do u advice that i keep using the patch of 2.35 and install a linux OS or try to keep working on the cygwin?
I have to measure the QoS of IEEE 802.11e so i have to use the EDCA patch and HCCA patch so which version is suitable for both?
Thank you


edca, hcca, ns2

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