Hey all.
Here's what's been going on:
I'm a photographer, and most of my income comes from scanning and editing old photos. So, I decided to upgrade GIMP to the latest version, 2.3.1. The current version I was using on Debian 3.1 was 2.2.0, so it seemed a worthwhile effort.
What I ran into was dependency hell. After 4 hours of compiling packages I finnally got all the dependencies installed.
So, with fingers crossed I cd'ed to the gimp installation folder, typed ./configure, and pressed enter.
Much to my dismay it ran into an error. It says that it's finding both GTK+ 2.6.4 and GTK+ 2.6.8. The problem is that I never installed 2.6.4, and the strange thing is that's the version of glib that I installed.
How to I get past this?
I've been at it for about 2 hours now with no luck.
Here is the error I recieved:
checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.6.0...
*** 'pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0' returned 2.6.8, but GTK+ (2.6.4)
*** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best
*** to remove the old version of GTK+. You may also be able to fix the error
*** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing
*** /etc/ld.so.conf. Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is
*** required on your system.
*** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH
*** to point to the correct configuration files
configure: error: Test for GTK+ failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.
Dan O.