I have looked at the other posts on Acrobat reader not installing in RH 8 and can't find a solution. I have RH 9.
I successuflly installed Acrobat Reader 5.0.6 from RPMs on the GURU site(
http://www.gurulabs.com/downloads.html). Both installs were successful by simply double clicking wthin the GNOME GUI.
I can open Reader through both my browser and the command line but when I open PDFs they simply have grey lines where the text should be.
I have tried the env changes that are specified in other posts such as:
LANG=C acroread
and this doesn't work. I am a newbie and prefer to used RPM's for ease of removing. It looks like there are posts to do it with a tar file though:
One more thing: Is there a way to make a desktop Icon for Acrobat once I get it installed correctly? I tried the "acroread -inconic" command and it briefly opens Acrobat but no icon appears.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance.