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Old 03-04-2011, 05:50 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2011
Location: Bangalore
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Posts: 60

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mail server


I installed bugzilla 3.7.2 in my system(Oracle enterprise linux 5).bugzilla site is working,the problem is i cant able to send mail from bugzilla.

I can able to send mail through terminal.

my system hostname is :ysemum.everest

my company mail id is
which is using SSL for email receiving & sending.

what exactly should i configure in for bugzilla send mail to .but when i tried to add one account in bugzilla,account creation mail is coming only one mailid.

but even as a administrator is not getting those mails.

kindly clarify my doughts,please....

Old 03-04-2011, 10:13 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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When you pick the smtp mail server from an application tell it to use (localhost). That will force it to use the setup you've done for mail that allows it to work from command line.

Often on a server your mail (e.g. sendmail) will be configured to relay through another mail server (e.g. your company's Exchange server) so that utilities that use that default mailer (e.g. mailx from command line) will work fine. However, other configurations might not work because they try to go out directly themselves which might be prohibited in your company's firewalls. (Many do this to prevent user infected user workstations from becoming spambots.)

The other benefit to making sure applications use is that your local mail log will show what the application mailed out.


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