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Use of dollar sign ($) in Nagios service checks

Posted 02-09-2018 at 02:45 PM by MensaWater
Updated 04-20-2018 at 10:49 AM by MensaWater

Some MS Windows services have a literal dollar sign ($) when viewed in Windows Services. Most notably are MS SQL databases where the service name is MSSQL$DBNAME.

NOTE: In the above and what follows, "MSSQL" is literal as is the last "$" preceding DBNAME but DBANME itself would be whichever database name is in use on the specific hosts. We have at least one host with 3 separate DBNAMEs.

For Nagios 1.x I'd been able to add monitors by simply escaping...
LQ Guru
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Views 1560 Comments 0 MensaWater is offline

PERC H800 in non-Dell PowerEdge system

Posted 08-22-2016 at 11:31 AM by MensaWater

We had a PERC H800 MegaRaid adapter in one of our Dell PowerEdge R910 systems. We had a Dell MD1220 array attached to that.

We bought a new SuperMicro based system and initially put the PERC H800 in this server in the top slot of the middle riser. It was dead as a door nail there. Original documentation for the PERC H800 indicated it only worked in certain Dell PowerEdge models so I didn't know if it should work in this new system.

I came across this thread discussing...
LQ Guru
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Migrating SAN storage from RHEL 5.9 to RHEL 6.8

Posted 07-25-2016 at 02:12 PM by MensaWater

I've had to migrate multiple Oracle instances from RHEL 5.9 to RHEL 6.8 because we're replacing an old server. This is Oracle 11gR2 using ext4 filesystems (not RAC/GRID, not using ASM).

Just wanted to share the steps. Presumably this would work for most (Redhat derived at least including CentOS and Fedora) Linux flavors so I only specify the source and target distro/versions for completeness.

We use a Hitachi VSP disk array and with full fiber...
LQ Guru
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Views 2874 Comments 0 MensaWater is offline

RHEL5 won't support TLSv1.1 or higher

Posted 03-19-2016 at 11:59 AM by MensaWater
Updated 07-03-2018 at 10:14 AM by MensaWater (Adding note lftp / gnutls)

We found the version of curl provided for RHEL5 does not include the flags "--tlsv1.1" or "--tlsv1.2" provided by later versions of curl.

This means CentOS5 curl does not include/support the flags "--tlsv1.1" or "--tlsv1.2".

RHEL7 and RHEL6 versions do support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 and work when using them. One might need to run yum update for curl and/or openssl to have the versions with the support. On my RHEL6 systems I had...
LQ Guru
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Views 23470 Comments 1 MensaWater is offline

It runs from command line but not from cron or init script

Posted 03-08-2016 at 10:43 AM by MensaWater
Updated 03-08-2016 at 01:01 PM by MensaWater

This question has been posted many times over the years both here at LQ and other sites. Accordingly I'm making this a blog post in the hopes people will find it useful.

When one run things at command line they inherit the environment of the user running them as set by things such as /etc/profile, $HOME/.bashrc, $HOME/.profile and/or $HOME/.bash_profile.

There are many environment variables that can impact a script. You can see all the environment variables you...
LQ Guru
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Views 3174 Comments 0 MensaWater is offline


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