How to do a remote download to remote server
I have a low powered headless box (DLINK DNS323) running linux that I keep in a back room at home to handle large file downloads. It does not have X installed. Everything is handled at the command prompt through an SSH link. In the most common case, I log in from a remote location (perhaps a coffee shop), start the download, then disconnect and go about my business.
If I try to download from a free account of rapidshare, filesonic, or some another file service there is a manual handshake process (decode a captcha, wait for 60 seconds, etc) that requires a graphical client to complete.
I would like to somehow navigate through the handshake using my laptop (running Firefox) (perhaps through a proxy on the DNS323), but direct the download directly to the DNS323 (i.e., not routed through the laptop) so that I can disconnect and expect that the download will complete without further involvement from me or my laptop.
Is there anyway to direct a download to a remote path? Any other suggestions for solving the problem?