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Old 01-18-2004, 12:21 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 1

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vmware tools install

OK, I'm really new to linux, bear that in mind.

I installed Mandrake 9.2 under WinXP in Vmware. After I got it booted up, I tried to install Vmware tools, which is necessary I'm told. I get the common error message telling me to input the location of the kernel source C headers. It doesn't find it in the default directory, nor is it in /usr/src.
I'm aware 9.2 doesn't come with the source files on the CDs (except the powerpack). So I download the source files and try to install them. I get an error message telling me that everything is already installed. How the hell can that be if 9.2 doesn't come with them. or if for some stupid reason they did get installed, where?
I tried to install the rpm with the rom -i and -Uhv (what does Uhv do?) swicthes, both time I get an error telling the its not an rpm package.
How do i install these source files?
Old 01-18-2004, 02:05 PM   #2
Registered: May 2003
Distribution: Slack Puppy Debian DSL--at the moment.
Posts: 341

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Are you sure you need the VM-Ware tools? A lot of VM-Ware support is compiled into the 2.4.xx kernels. You may want to try to run as is unless it is obviously broken. Read all of the VM-Ware documentation to be sure. BTW: Only the Newest Bestest and Most Up-to-Date non-bogus copies of VM-Ware will run flawlessly in an XP environment. (Some of the API's have changed and you need updates--especially after sp1.) Otherwise, it's bug-city and crash-central.

Well I'll tell you how to do it the Manual way.

Fire up a console.
From within linux:

ls -Al /usr/src

You should be able to see whether linux is a symbolic link or a regular directory. Generally, most distributors include kernel headers
because many programs require them in order to install.

Hit the up arrow to reprint the last command and add the different directories to explore without having to type a lot. Remember, the tab key will auto-complete for you the next directory or file name in the chain. You only have to type between 3 and 6 keystrokes (to get a unique set of letters for auto-complete to work + the up arrow key.) This will let you check the various includes and other directories.

Another way is to run updatedb which creates the locate database, then: locate *.c ; if you are running a console from the Desktop you will be able to scroll back the list if it is really long.

It may be that it is there but the symbolic link is missing and the only file under /usr/src/ is linux.version.subversion.Alan_Cox or something (version=numerical digits) with the .c or .h files located within that directory/filesystem. If the plain /usr/src/linux (no version) is an empty directory--and is not linked to the kernel version directory or missing all together, then:

If the kernel-version directory exists and contains the stuff you need, cd (change directory) /usr/src; then use: ln -s kernel-version-directory linux (REM: spaces count.) If the ln -s operation complained that the directory exists AND THE DIRECTORY IS EMPTY AND NOT LINKED TO ANYTHING use: rm /usr/src/linux Always use the full path name for the command: rm ; and alway triple-check your spelling before hitting the return/enter key. There is no reliable undelete in linux.
/*** If the rm command has been aliased to mv ($filename) to /home/user/Desktop/.trash(or other name) in Mandrake for new users that is good. Hopefully they have aliased rm -R and a few others as well.***/

If /usr/src/linux doesn't have any headers or other includes installed:

If you don't have networking or related services because the tools didn't install--you will have to download in windows--DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UNPACK SOURCES OR SOURCE TREES FROM WINDOWS. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN RPM FROM WINDOWS. WINDOWS IS NOT LINUX. Windows is also well known for corrupting Linux packages and ISO files. Always check the size and MD-5 or other check-sum before unpacking in Linux--even if you download in Linux do the checking. Make it a private policy for yourself.

I do not remember how to transfer files into VM-Ware it has been a while. I thought there was an import files button somewhere. You will have to read the documentation for VM-Ware, I will not do that for you.

/****If you haven't set up enough space for VM-Ware to expand your filesystem large enough it will fail--it may fail quietly. Also, you have to generate an MD-5 number to check it before you unpack it in Linux. There should be another file with the same version-name as the kernel which will have a number to compare so you know absolutely that the file hasn't been corrupted by windows.****/

Download the exact kernel-version sources from as a package file (or transfer to CD-R--not CDRW--from windows to Linux), specify the download location as /usr/src use the right click from the gui to extract files here. This should build you a kernel source tree will all of your includes and header files. It is quite large. Then, use the ln -s command. (It is always best to use full path-names with any file operation--especially if you are distracted by an unfamiliar operating system.)

Last edited by Eqwatz; 01-18-2004 at 02:21 PM.
Old 01-18-2004, 05:32 PM   #3
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 6,042

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I'm sorry Eqwatz, I got confused by your instructions and I even know how to do very very complex stuff in LINUX.

FreakinOut, the tools that you need is a compiler such as gcc 3.2 and your Mandrake CDs. If you can go into GUI mode of LINUX by typing startx. You can easily install the two tools that you need.Assuming that you want to do in GUI because you are use to it, either find K-gear icon (KDE) or foot icon (GNOME) in the task bar. Find Mandrake Control Center. Select Software Management. Then click on Install Software. Type in kernel and check the box beside the source and headers. The package that you should be looking for is something like 2.4.xx-xxmdk. The x designates numbers and letters. After installing the kernel source, type in gcc. If you don't see version 3.2, then its installed already. On VMware's site follow the instructions on how to install VMware tools. Mandrake 9.2 may not be listed there, so use Mandrake 9.0 or Redhat 8. The CD is the ISO images. All you need to do is edit the virtual machine to load the ISO image for LINUX. After LINUX boots up, you have to mount it.

What Eqwatz is explaining about the linux directory is in /usr/src. If you do not see the directory linux when you type "ls -l /usr/src", you have to create it. Usually after you install the kernel source, Mandrake should have create it for you. To create it manually, type su and type root's password. Then type "ln -s /usr/src/2.4.xx-xxmdk /usr/src/linux". This should create a link to the kernel source code, but you have to first go to "/usr/src" to find out the directory name. Every program or module (driver) that depends the kernel source code will try to use /usr/src/linux. You can manaully tell the where the kernel source code is during the ./configure process or editing the makefile.

You should be able to install the VMware Tools with out any trouble.

To share Windows files with VMware. You have to install SAMBA server and SAMBA clients. SAMBA is located on the CDs. After installing, go to and read the documentation to set it up.

Remember VMware creates a computer, so always shutdown the virtual machines that are running and then close VMware. Never close VMware because the data may be damaged next time you boot up on the virtual machines.
Old 01-19-2004, 12:20 AM   #4
Registered: May 2003
Distribution: Slack Puppy Debian DSL--at the moment.
Posts: 341

Rep: Reputation: 30
In a very hedging way I was telling him to have a current LEGAL COPY of VM-Ware and read the docs.

I was also showing him how to expand a package in the right location into a source-tree. And manually install it. (-Uvh is an update, it only copies to non-existent or older files. In a verbose and human-readable way.)

I was pointing out that before you un-tar any package, you create a MD-5 check-sum for it and compare the number to which ever referrence is available on the download site--generally in the same folder.

Since I haven't used vm-ware recently, I couldn't remember whether I used CD-Rs before getting everything working to transfer files. I do remember being able to set up a shared data partition (which was not virtually networked. I only ran one client at a time, as my workstation wasn't smp or really powerful.) for my different VM-Ware clients; I was able to copy to that when VM-ware wasn't running. When someone else was paying for it, I had bells and whistles and plugins for the product (VM-Ware). I spent weeks getting it just as I wanted it, including a launch button for each O.S. on the desktop--only to have a norton product hose the entire thing up. Although it could have been a buggy IDE add-on card I had.


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