Sound problem Suse 9.2
OS: SuSe Linux 9.2 x86_64.
System: AMD 3200+, Nvidia Gforce 440 go 64 Mb, Compaq Presario R3000z. BroadCom Wireless card.
When i was installing my Suse 9.2. in the configuration part, i have my sound worrking ok. then i start my computer by the first time.. if i log into X as root, i have sound.. otherwise, i dont have sound.. when i start the x, logged as normal user, console returns me this: (it starts the X anyway)
kmix: ERROR: cnd_ctl_open error= Permission Denied
and some others likely this one.
as i can see, there is somefile, that has the correct sound configuration, but only root can open it, dont know... im just assumiing.. i new on linux.