@Compused - did you ever find a solution to this issue? I'm having the exact same issue on a Synology NAS Linux.
I had initially struggled with it not picking up shared libraries properly. I fixed up that Errno.PL issue as per that post on the Subsonic forum that you linked to in this thread, then ran:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:/opt/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/lib
./Configure -de -Dcc=gcc -Dprefix=/opt -Dusethreads -Dlocincpth='/opt/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/include /opt/include' -Dloclibpth='/opt/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/lib /opt/lib /lib'
Which eventually results in this error at the point at which it uses perl to compile the documentation I think:
./perl -f -Ilib pod/buildtoc -q
make: *** [pod/perltoc.pod] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I have tried perl-5.16.0 and then also perl-5.12.3 (the same version the Subsonic forum poster used) with the same result.
I also read that someone had the same issue compiling on a Vax system, but got around it by compiling with symbols enabled (-g compiler flag). This didn't work for me unfortunately.
Any ideas? I've searched high and low.