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Old 10-02-2007, 08:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2007
Posts: 2

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Is it safe to install GD?

some time ago I was given the job of creating and installing several websites on a Fasthosts dedicated linux Fedora Core server for a client. I have no previous experience of Linux. Managed to stumble my way around and all sites are up and running fine. I now need GD image support for a new site about to be installed on the same server, I have read I can use a package installer by typing 'yum install gd' or 'yum install php-gd' but what exactly does this do? Is it safe to do on a live server? Do I risk taking down the already live sites, will it overwrite any changes I have made to httpd.conf etc? At the moment I control the server via 'matrix' control panel - to re-start apache etc. Do I risk seperating the control panel from apache? And if I do install via yum how long would it take?

I am just worried I type a command in that kills a server supporting several E-commerce sites and have no idea how to start fixing it - not knowing linux! (I know php not linux!)

Thanks in advance - n00b.
Old 10-02-2007, 09:29 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 13

Rep: Reputation: 0

GD is basically used to display images it basically a image lib .... like png over the web browser.

its safe to use the GD i m giving you the link from where you can get more deep knowledge over GD

Old 10-03-2007, 05:56 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2007
Posts: 2

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Sorry, I don't think I made it clear my problem. Thanks for the reply though.

Basically I'm used to using GD2 with PHP to manipulate images and create thumbnails/watermarked images etc, but it's always already been installed on the webhosts server. I now need the functionality on this dedicated server that I have already setup several e-commerce sites on. I just want to know if its safe and how to install GD2. If I do it with 'Yum' what exactly does Yum do? And what command do I type? Will the server need down time and if so how much? Or can I just type one quick 'yum' line in via ssh and 30 seconds later PHP has access to GD2. It's all just unknown to me and not knowing linux if I type in the wrong command and the whole server goes down I wouldn't know where to start to get it all back up!



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