I ve VM installed Fedora 17 32bit on a Core 2 intel 2.53 GHz with 4GB RAM and gave fedora 20GB Disk Space with 1 GB RAM. However i can say its among the slowest Linux version along Kubuntu i've tried until now
(Kubuntu 10.10,12.04,Debian 6,Fedora 17)
While I would say debian is the lightest.
What is true?
Question for Moderators -SOMEONE MODERATOR ANSWER PLEASE! :'(
1.Until when Im allowed to use this newbie forum? post 50 maybe?
2.As you may have noticed, I start different threads even when a new question diverges just a bit from the thread title I've strated even if its still the same topic.
I do this for SEO purposes of the forum and think its the desired way also. If not you may inform.