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Old 11-27-2005, 05:26 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2005
Distribution: SuseLinux Pro 9.2
Posts: 2

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iomega zip drive, recognized by Suse, can't read or write to

I'm new to Linux, but old to computers. Installed Linux for the challenge and everything okay except:
It recognizes my zip drive, but doesn't show it in drives list (see below), wont' let me configure it (see below), can't read or write to it.

I'm running Suse Pro 9.2
100 mg Iomega Zip Drive
line in fstab is:
/dev/hde /media/zip subfs fs=floppyfss, users, procuid, nodev, nosuid, sync 0 0
In Konqueror I see it shown in /media as /zip
When I poke properties can see it has all the same permissions as the Drive A floppy.

Just now got it to appear as a item in Drives window. When I poke it to see what's on the disk in the drive, a message comes up, says "could not enter /media/zip".

I've been at this on and off for six months now, and begin to wonder it anybody out there is actually using a zip drive on Linux.

Thanks for any help (please assume I know nothing).

Reply to bigrigdriver:

First, thanks for answering. I'm still stuck, but smarter. Your 'lsmod' suggestion confirmed that the system sees my drive. After many more tries the best entry in fstab remains the one in original message--at least the drive shows in a file manager.
I believe the problem is I have an unusual zip drive--it is an
Iomega Zip ATAPI 100 internal IDE drive
Yep, both fish and fowl. I re-read you message today and something clicked. Here is what the hardware list says--it is
Hardware class floppy
IOMEGA Zip 100 ATAPI on an
IDE bus using
Driver: "CMD64x_IDE", "ide-floppy" (exact quote)

Does this give you any more ideas?

Thanks for any help

Last edited by MrsHill; 12-16-2005 at 04:54 PM.
Old 11-27-2005, 08:52 PM   #2
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In SuSE 9.3, I have this as my zip drive entry in fstab.

/dev/sda4 /media/zip auto noauto,user 0 0

That has been my setup with three distros, and I don't have any problems accessing the drive.

Is it an internal or external zip? If external, try /dev/sda4 for the device, with module imm. That error "could not enter /media/zip" gives the hint that you are using the wrong device file.

Run lsmod to see if the imm module is loaded.

Also, try 'fdisk -l /dev/hde'. If you get a few lines of information telling you the size of the disk, cylinders, heads, etc, then you are correctly set up. If you don't get that information, change fstab to /dev/sda4, then do insmod imm if it isn't loaded when you do lsmod. Unmount the drive if it's mounted, then remount and try again to read/write to the disk.

Last edited by bigrigdriver; 11-27-2005 at 08:57 PM.
Old 03-19-2006, 07:25 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2006
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I know for my zip 250.

the mount folder is /mnt/zip250.0

and I have to type: modprobe imm, before a mount.

it shows up as sdb. and that would go in the fstab file.

mine is a parallel 250.


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