You might want to LEARN how to use the terminal
fedora dose have a very rudimentary basic GUI for installing things
but it is junk
"yum" is your Friend
have a read through Mjmwired's guide page for fedora 17
and DangerMouse's "autoten" page
but everything I've found seems to lead to going into the command line and typing something that doesn't seem to work for me
that is because it is VERY simple to post the instructions for "yum"
most are one line long
VS two to three PAGES of typing for explaining how to do it in
any of the other half dozen desktop managers
I feel like I might be downloading all sorts of things that I don't need because of the instructions that I've been followng (a lot of which seem to involve a 200 mb download...).
Almost ALL software has prerequisites that
MUST be installed for the program to work
"yum" is a package manager THAT solves the dependence issues and keeps track of just WHAT is installed
you might want to do a bit of research on not just fedora ( fedora is a VERY special case of linux distro) but on Linux in general
"(Linux is Not Windows)"
and the wiki for fedora
the FAQ
And from personal use of fedora
If you DO NOT want to "get your hands dirty, and covered in grease"( Auto mechanic ) and use a terminal then fedora is most likely
a VERY poor choice for a Operating System for you .
Fedora is a research and Development OS and as such is VERY often in need of fixing BY YOU .
Hacking software to get it to run on fedora.
Hacking the Operating System to well- get it to work sometimes
So unless YOU WANT TO LEARN how a computer Operating System WORKS from the inside out,
dig into it's innards and get "messy" .
Then you probably should not be using fedora .
Ubuntu 12 long life or Mint12 might better a better choice .