I've found a great command line ripper/encoder perl script called T.E.A.R. You can find it
here .
I also had to install CDDB_get and id3tool. Both are on website above.
Make sure you put the tearrc file in your home directory as .tearrc or in /etc/ as tear.conf.
There is one error in the 0.4.6 version that can be fixed easily. In file tear, line 232, change this line:
if($conf{"MUNGING"} && $conf{MUNGING} != "No") { $munging = 1; }
to this:
f($conf{"MUNGING"} && $conf{MUNGING} ne "No") { $munging = 1; }
This allows you to replace spaces with underscores. Just make sure Munging = Yes in your .tearrc file.
I also changed the following lines to remove spaces, quotes, backquotes (`) from folder names:
sub setNames {
$artst =~ s/\"//g; #remove double quotes (NAF)
$artst =~ s/\ /_/g; #replace spaces with _ (NAF)
$artst =~ s/\`//g; #remove ` (NAF)
$id3_artst = "\"$artst\"";
$title =~ s/\"//g; #remove double quotes (NAF)
$title =~ s/\ /_/g; #replace spaces with _ (NAF)
$title =~ s/\`//g; #remove ` (NAF)
$id3_title = "\"$title\"";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#track; $i++) {
$a = $i + 1;
if($a < 10) { $a = "0$a"; }
$track[$i] =~ s/\//\\/g;
$track[$i] =~ s/\"//g; #remove double quotes (NAF)
$track[$i] =~ s/\`//g; #remove ` (NAF)
To me this is much easier that trying to get grip to work on slackware 9.