I anybody encounters this same problem, here's a dirty hack to avoid it.
Open the file setupwfc in your editor of choice (vi ofcoz
Search for the part:
# Check we're on the correct platform
cat ${MyLocation}/pkginf/V* | grep "^PORT=$PLATFORM" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" != "0" ]
echo $setup3a $DISP_PLATFORM $setup3b
# exit 1
change the line
exit 1
# exit 1
and try again.
As I said: this is realy ugly. It doesn't solve the problem, it just ignores it so that the installer doesn't quit on it. It should get the program installed for you.
I'm not sure if this has other consequences coz I still haven't got my citrix connection working. I still got errors but I'm pretty sure they are unrelated. (certificate errors)
(pretty, not definitvely.. it is citrix after all
And while I'm typing here I just want to utter my anoyance at the linuxversion, the support and the documentation that a big company like citrix is offering: AARRRGH!!
Annoyance uttered.
Thank you all.