From the site :
"Kernels 2.6: the slmodem-2.9.5 driver:
Compile the driver (make) and install it (make install). Next, start the slmodemd daemon with the following parameters:
slmodemd -c <COUNTRY>
This will start the daemon and link it to the /dev/ttySL0 port. Now you can use that for dialout.
For more info, see this email on
You can use this init.d script for Debian to start the slmodemd daemon.
Kernel 2.4: the slmdm-2.7.10 driver (more recent 2.7 drivers don't work):
Edit amrmo_init.c, and change the value for #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ICH2 to 0x24C6.
Compile the driver and try to insert it using insmod. When you dial out it will still complain about 'not being compatible', but it works.
Don't forget to run a make install to install the driver modules and modify /etc/modules.conf!"
This comprehensive installation guide is for the Acer TM800, but the chipsets are exactly the same. The latest drivers come with an alsa support module, but it is still in alpha. I couldn't make it work.
The drivers Readme is quite comprehensive, and everything runs smoothly. You'll have to edit your init script(s) to make the slmodem daemon start at every boot.
And that's it ; enjoy the power of low bandwith...