What Cheap Athlon MB Can You Rcommend for RHL 8.0?
OK. I got burned. I bought an Asus A7N266-VM.
Great board, great specs, too many problems getting Linux up and running. So I am going to demote the board to a Windows box as punishment and I am looking for a good, cheap Athlon board to replace it. Actually, I will be config'ing two Linux boxes...
My preferences
I prefer to have an "all in one board" simply for cost savings, but I have NICs and sound cards aplenty, so if it is a bare-bones board that I have to add a video card too, that's not too bad.
I want to Run RHL 8.0. I have been using RHL for a while and I like it, it suits me fine.
I don't want to have to hassle with non-standard driver--it gets to be a hassle to keep that stuff up-to-date.
PLEASE only reccommend boards if you have experience installing RHL 8 on them personally! The A7N266-VM was recommended to me as a good Linux board and see what happned to me!