ok... here's what I jotted down when getting it working last time... but that was with Slackware 7.0 I think (like a year ago...) but it worked then maybe it'll work again... I just dont have time to try it at the moment.... The dependencies are based on Slackware 7.0 so you may not need all of this but might as well update them while you're at it.
here we go:
Stuff You Need (get them at Sourceforge or Freshmeat):
(as of May 21/02)
Linux Kernel with Parallel Port & Printer Support
ATK 1.0.1 or higher
CUPS 1.1.x or higher
Ghostscript 7.xx or higher
Gimp-Print 4.3.x or higher
Glib 2.0.1 or higher
GTK+ 2.0.2 or higher
Libiconv 1.7 or higher (if your distro requires it)
Libpng 1.2.1 or higher
Pango 1.0.1 or higher
Pkg Config 0.12.0 or higher
JPEG 6b or higher
PNG 1.0.6 or higher
TIFF 3.4 or higher
ZLIB 1.1.3 or higher
Order to Install:
Install dependencies for Glib:
1-pkgconfig (./configue;make;make install)
2-libiconv (./configure;make;make install)
now install Glib:
3-Glib(./configure;make;make install)
if when compiling glib you get an error about iconv.h or something to that extent make clean and "./configure --with libiconv" then make;make install (figured that out the hard way)
Install GTK+ dependencies:
4-Pango (./configure;make;make install)
cd Scripts/
cp makefile.linux ../Makefile (choose app. makefile)
make;make install
6-ATK (./configure;make;make install)
Install GTK+:
7- Gtk (./configure;make;make install)
Installing Ghostscript:
8-JPEG (just unpackage it!)
-Unpackage ghostscript
-Move the unpackaged JPEG dir into the ghostscript src dir to a
directory called jpeg (eg: mv jpeg-6b/ /ghostscriptXXxx/jpeg)
-./configure;make;get javascript

')coffee;make install
now... you're finally ready to prepare for CUPS
10-Zlib (make;make install)
11-libTiff (./configure;make;make install)
Now Install Cups:
12-Cups (./configure;make;make install)
the document I have is in a little better detail than this, and if you want it I can e-mail it to you... but this shows you what you need in order to get it to work...
now, the driver I ended up using because it was the only one that actually worked for the BJC 1000 was the BJC 600 foomatic drivers found on LinuxPrinting.org's website for download... so get that before you add your printer and it should work fine.
Information on setting up the foomatic drivers are on their website
anymore questions and e-mail me or re-post here
hope this helps,