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Old 02-11-2004, 11:58 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: USA
Distribution: Lenny at work
Posts: 168

Rep: Reputation: 30
ALSA device stuff ( asoundrc file probably)

I have a MAudio Revolution and it works the way it was intended to apparently ... which is difficult (modules snd-ice1724)

I believe most cards have a Master or PCM device to control overall volume, ... this thing was 8 different tracks for each channel. I would like to have one thing for overall volume (at least to control FL and FR at the same time ). Also, to use that so that I can use XMMS ( i have gotten it to go to one channel, but not both the L and R ).

Anyway, i figure it involves mapping or table routing in the .asoundrc file.... which is kinda out there for me. Does anyone have one already or could make one? You would think there would be a website full of examples of this stuff.
Old 02-12-2004, 07:05 AM   #2
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Yes I believe you can make something like this with your .asoundrc file. There is actually quite a bit of help in the alsa wiki and if you search this site there are references to said file also.


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