I don't want to speak too soon, But If I remember correctly, and I'm not sure If I do, 'cuz I've got waaaay too many boxes to keep trak of... anyway, I believe I have a box or two with NTFS Tables on it. And there have been times where I needed to write to the M$ drive from Linux.
Ofcourse, once I got all of the network up, I realized that if something was important enough to write to another OS drive then I either:
A) Needed to boot into that OS
B) Find a way to do it from any OS
C) Write it to my file server... I mean that's what it's for.
Anyway, I do recall writing to NTFS a few times. It was a tricky bit to accomplish, and I'm sorry I can't offer advise as to how to do this now... I know why bother right? Simply to state that I think there is a way... look harder. I'll dig thru my notes.