32 bits are not supported by the nvidia driver.
32bits Are supported by the nvidia driver.
it is just the graphical user environment (X) which does not support 32bit color.
MS Windows for that matter does not support 32 bit colour either.
in 32bit colour.. there are 8 bits of red, 8bits of blue, 8 buts of green, and 8 bits of alpha.
(alpha is transparency)
in windows, the colour depth is set to 32. But because the desktop doesnt support hardware accelerated transparency, the 8 bits of transparency are all set to 0 perminantyly.
in linux... the colour depth is 24bits.
its basically like Windows saying it has 5 fingers. and Linux saying it has 4 fingers and a thumb. same thing.
what happens when you run the command glxgears.
this will test openGL
also, whats the output of "glxinfo"
run quake as follows...
strace -o /home/username/quakeError.log /path/to/quakeBinary
after it crashes, open quakeError.log and read up from the bottom,
this will let you know with errors if you are missing any file dependenc's or if your /dev/nvidia* permissions are too restrictiive.