Wine : cannot have sound with any sound server
Hi folks. I have this problem : I cannot have sound in Wine with none of soun servers I know.
My task is only to run wine (especially games) + some music in background.
I tried nearly everything :
latest Wine, latest Winex CVS, some Winex-light.deb
with esd, arts, jack, wrappers esddsp, artsdsp & jacklaunch. Servers & wrappers work really well, but no sound with wine.
Even when I compile latest Wine, configure says OK/Yes for arts(dev) and libjack. But I get sound only when I shut down all servers and keep only OSS (but no music in background)
In winex, configure even don't check for sound servers. And when launching it, it says it cannot open OSS device. Even if server is running, it do not check it.
I really don't care about delayed sound, it isn't critical.
Have somebody and idea to make it work ? Thanks
Last edited by vmicho; 02-18-2004 at 02:22 PM.