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Old 11-09-2004, 12:34 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 173

Rep: Reputation: 16
Help getting RealPlayer installed

I can't get this done, been trying for nearly two weeks.
All of the Libranet and debian upgrade channels through the Adminmenu are looking for Real Player
8. It is not available.
On The Real player website, there is a download instruction for Real Player 10, it is as follows:

"- Ensure that the .bin file you downloaded is executable. You can make the .bin file executable by running the "C" command from a terminal window. - Does this mean open xterm and type "C" ?

- Run the .bin file by typing "./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin". Follow the prompts provided to finish installing the player. - Do I only type exactly what is in the quotes and nothing else ?

- When you launch the player for the first time, a set-up assistant will take you through configuring your player.

- Enjoy your RealPlayer10 for Linux!"

I do not know what I am doing, obviously, because I can not get this to happen. I have downloaded the file (several times), found the file and accomplished nothing after that.

From scratch, I assume that I open xterm. Then exactly what do I type first, second, etc...

This seems to be the only way to get RealPlayer , I tried apt-get and every other thing on the Adminmenu.

Please help.
Also, if you are feeling charitable, I have had just as much trouble installing Firefox. It is also downloaded, but I can not get anything to happen after that.

Old 11-09-2004, 12:59 PM   #2
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Kennesaw GA
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Type chmod a+x (filename for realplayer) then
./ (filename for real player) to execute install. Note: do not type the ()
just the filename. Please provide more detail on what problems you're having with firefox

Old 11-10-2004, 12:44 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 173

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 16

Thanks for your help. But I still do not understand.

step one: type "chmod a+x realplayer10gold.bin" - if this is correct, nothing happens at all except I am told that chmod failed to get attributes.

If you are describing one step then it would look like this as far as I can tell:
"chmod a+x realplayer10gold.bin./ realplayer10gold.bin"
if these are two steps that you are describing, I still can not get past the chmod one.
Old 11-10-2004, 01:12 AM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Nov 2003
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You have to change into the directory that you downloaded realplayer e.g on my system it is in /home/reddazz/downloads/bin so I'd run "cd downloads/bin" (without quotation marks). Once I am in that directory, I'd run
"chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" (without quotes) to make the file executable. Once thats done, you have to install RealpPlayer on your system by running

su -c "./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" (with the quotes)
enter the root password
select a directory to install into eg /usr/local/RealPlayer
leave the install to run (you'll see the little dots showing you progress of the install)
accept the option to make symlinks and let the directory for your symlinks be /usr

try out the install by running "realplay" in the console or checking you menu to see if it shows up together with other multimedia apps.

It helps a lot if you could show what distro you are using.
Old 11-26-2004, 10:56 AM   #5
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Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
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It looks like I'm having a related problem; I've installed RealPlayer10Gold several times, both from the .bin file and from the RPM, and every time if I give the command "realplay" in a console, ps ax shows three "realplay" processes running, but nothing shows up to give any indication the thing's running. It doesn't seem to matter whether the program files are installed in the user directory or in usr/local, either.

On a related note, even if I got it running I don't know if I could integrate it into Firefox. The instructions from the Firefox help page about RealPlayer say to put one thing in the Mozilla plugins directory, which I did; and another in the "Mozilla components" directory. There is no Mozilla "components" directory on my system, just a plugins directory. So I tried putting the component in the FIREFOX components directory but it had no effect.

It used to be a matter of two or three minutes to get RealPlayer running, with or without Firefox. Now it's become very complicated and, for me, so far, impossible. Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems like a giant step backward to me.
Old 11-26-2004, 11:23 AM   #6
Senior Member
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 1,040

Rep: Reputation: 47

Originally posted by jonr
The instructions from the Firefox help page about RealPlayer say to put one thing in the Mozilla plugins directory, which I did; and another in the "Mozilla components" directory. There is no Mozilla "components" directory on my system, just a plugins directory. So I tried putting the component in the FIREFOX components directory but it had no effect.
I found the Mozilla "components" directory--I guess. My system has both a /usr/lib/mozilla and a /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.2 directory. Under the latter, there IS a ../components subdirectory. And a ../plugins one too. So I installed the two files where Firefox help said to--but still no go.

Ps ax shows realplay in progress after I click on a link such as the newscast in, but nothing happens .
Old 02-18-2005, 02:00 PM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
In my experience I've seen Real Player failing to work when the sound system is enabled as it clashes with it. I'm running KDE under Fedora Core 3 and I had to disable the sound system to make it work. Go to: Control Center > Sound & Multimedia > Sound System. Click on the General tab, disable the sound system (remember to close RP first) and apply the new settings. Then restart RP (./realplayer) and it should work fine. Hope this helps.


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