I'm sure this is an easy one... just not for me.
cron-apt (out of the box) has 2 "action" files, one for [apt-get] updating and one for downloading - as in
# apt-get -d -y upgrade
i.e., download-only and answer Yes to all questions.
If you keep a mixed sarge/sid (testing/unstable) environment (like me), then you probably do the three-step apt-get, like so:
# apt-get update # update your package lists
# apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | grep unstable` # upgrade the unstable ones first
# apt-get upgrade # upgrade the testing ones
So, I added that middle line to the 3-download file for cron-apt. But, it doesn't like the substitution of the output from apt-show-versions. The log file says:
CRON-APT ACTION: 3-download, Sun Jun 20 08:28:06 PDT 2004
CRON-APT LINE: install -d -y `apt-show-versions -u -b | grep unstable`, Sun Jun
20 08:28:05 PDT 2004
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
E: Couldn't find package `apt-show-versions
SO: What's the right syntax to make the apt-show-versions work in cron?