I have some newbie questions. I am not new to Linux but I am new to Ubuntu. I learned Linux on Slackware where nothing is easy. Now I have a Macbook and from everything I read, Ubuntu runs better in Parallels than Slackware so I installed Ubuntu using parallels.
The first problem I ran into is the screen resolution. Simple enough fix I thought. Open up Xorg.config and... There is nothing in there! My xorg.config file in slackware is a few hundred lines long and the one in Ubuntu is less than 20 and its mostly comments. How does Ubuntu choose the scree resolution? I went into GUI display settings and it only gives me like three options: 400x600, 600x800 and one other one. My screen resolution is 1280x800.
So I did some searching and found a ubuntu xorg.config file that was supposed to be for a macbook in parallels and this led me to my next problem. Permissions: I save the .tgz file to my desktop and when I try to decompress it to my desktop I get a message that says I dont have permission to do that. WTF???
Instead I just opened it up and figured I could copy and paste the contents. Then I run sudo emacs /etc/X11/xorg.config and... NO EMACS!!! Ok that sucks but Ill use VI. I get it open and it wont let me edit it. Although I just remembered I need to type i to get to insert mode so I bet that was the problem. Stupid mistake.
But it made me think sudo wasnt working so I quit VI and typed SU. It asks me for my password and I use what I thought was the root password (the only password I ever use for something I'm not that worried about) and it doesnt like it. I try to log out and log in as root and apparently I dont have a root account or its not turned on. This isnt too much of a surprise because OS X does this too but how do I turn on the root account.
How do I get emacs? I imagine I can use apt-get but I dont know how to use it yet. Ill dig into the man pages after this so not that big of deal but if someone just gives me the command ill be forever greatful
Whats with the permissions thing? Why do I have permission to save a file to my desktop from firefox but I cant untar it to my desktop?
P.S. I am using the newest Macbook (not mackbook pro) using Ubuntu 8.10 in Parallels if I didnt make that clear enough or you forgot...