Hey, I just received a bunch of ubuntu CDs in the mail, and I attempted to install the 64bit version on my Athlon 4000+ machine. At first, the installer would freeze when loading the installer components, which it also did with the hoary hedgehog release. I also tried installing the i386 version, just to see if it would work, but it did not. I tried turning off acpi in BIOS and I typed in "linux acpi=off" to see if that would work, and I came to this point. I get past all the steps before "installing base system". It unpacks and begins to install packages, but after a while, it encounters an error that says something like, "Warning: Kernel could not be found...this is usually a fatal error" and I have to reboot and try again.
My computer has a similar error with the debian sarge installer as well. I have tried using noapic and nolapic at the prompt as well.
I dumped my hardware profile into a text document, it's located at: