kernel-source-2.6.5-7.src.rpm requires kernel-dummy to build!?
Hi all,
I am a recent suse user, however I have had experience with RedHat.
I have run in to a situation I cannot seem to find an answer to. I am trying to build a new kernel rpm from the kernel-source-2.6.5-7.src.rpm package from suse 9.1 pro. It has a dependency on a package kernel-dummy, which I cannot seem to find any where on the cd's or the net.
What is this kernel-dummy package? Where can I find a copy? Or, if i just omited it in the spec file, would that do any harm to my build of the kernel?
I suppose the reason I'm even trying to do this is because I want to enable KLIPS support in the kernel while keeping it as an rpm.
Any help would be appreciated.