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Old 12-25-2004, 03:29 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
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Installing Suse 9.2 on AMD64 computer

hi all,
This may seem to be a basic question, as am a newbie.

I have a computer with AMD Athlon 3200+, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200XT, currently am running dual boot with XP and Suse 9.2(32 bit version), am thinking about upgrading to the 64-bit version. I found that there was only 1CD download for the 64-bit version. should I use this to start the install and then use 2,3,4,5 cd of the 32-bit version ?

do most of the applications from suse 9.2 work with the 64-bit os ?

Old 12-25-2004, 04:26 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: thailand
Distribution: suse9.3, Mandrake10.1
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Where is the download for this please?

I thought the distro included amd64 on the same disk as the 9.1 box says it does, has SuSE seperated the
two versions again like Mandrake has?

I thought this was SuSE advantage over Mandrake where you have to buy the
amd64 version.

Old 12-25-2004, 10:46 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: North East Arkansas
Distribution: Suse 9.2 x86-64
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"should I use this to start the install and then use 2,3,4,5 cd of the 32-bit version ? "
NO! Suse 9.2 x86-64 does not come from suse or Novell on CD's -- only DVD's.

That said, if you have a dvd burner look here:
for a how to.

Then, if you can find 9.2 base somewhere, have a go

I just went to and apt for x86-64 -- base is empty. It usually takes 6-months to see a base release of the newest release -- or at the release time for the next upgrade.

Another way to go is do it go with 9.1 and update everything: I recommend buying the DVD because you get everything and FTP D/L is short on many things which you will have to find and install on your own.

last remark = bit-torrent, you have the site

Good luck,
Old 12-25-2004, 11:35 AM   #4
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If you buy the boxset for Novell SUSE Linux Professional 9.2, then it should come with 5 CDs for x86 and two DVDs with amd64 64bit on one of the DVDs... The boxset will cost you about $90.00 or $50 if you are a student. You can also do an upgrade too! But with MandrakeLinux, I guess you have to purchase them seperately!

Old 12-25-2004, 01:28 PM   #5
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I downloaded this file : SUSE-Linux-9.2-LiveCD-64bit.iso, from the ftp site(
. is it right one ? if i need the full fuctionality i need to buy it from SUSE/Novell ?

SUSE-Linux-9.2-LiveCD-64bit.iso <- this file has only the basic functionality of the OS ?
Old 12-25-2004, 02:09 PM   #6
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Originally posted by arnott
I downloaded this file : SUSE-Linux-9.2-LiveCD-64bit.iso, from the ftp site(
. is it right one ? if i need the full fuctionality i need to buy it from SUSE/Novell ?

SUSE-Linux-9.2-LiveCD-64bit.iso <- this file has only the basic functionality of the OS ?
You probably have guessed from the name; it is a LiveCD meaning that you can run (or test) it on your system! The whole thing runs directly from a CD and there is no way (unless you know how to hack it) you can install it on your HD! I guess that is the best way to check it out to see whether the latest version will run on your machine and whether you like the way it looks. Then, you need to shell out some cash for the official version...

Old 12-25-2004, 03:08 PM   #7
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Birmingham UK
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I have just purchased 9.2 pro ugrade as I was running 9.1 pro before.

As snakedriver says the DVD contains 32bit & 64bit operating systems.

So you cannot install the 64bit OS of the CD's.
Old 12-25-2004, 10:13 PM   #8
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: thailand
Distribution: suse9.3, Mandrake10.1
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As snakedriver says the DVD contains 32bit & 64bit operating systems.

So you cannot install the 64bit OS of the CD's.

Sorry, I cannot understand what you mean here, why cannot you install the 64bit OS on an amd64 system?
Old 12-26-2004, 07:33 AM   #9
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Birmingham UK
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Originally posted by barrythai
As snakedriver says the DVD contains 32bit & 64bit operating systems.

So you cannot install the 64bit OS of the CD's.

Sorry, I cannot understand what you mean here, why cannot you install the 64bit OS on an amd64 system?
The 64bit OS only comes on a DVD it does not come on CD;s.
So you can install the 64 bit OS on an AMD 64 system but only from DVD.
You can probably burn the ISO's to CD but as I have purchased the product I have not explored that avenue.


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